Anyone that hurts animals (and children and women) should experience the same pain inflicted on them. There are no excuses. Bless those that help the helpless. Bless you Sean and all the individuals and organizations that render care and comfort.

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And the elderly!

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Rebecca, I'm SERIOUSLY and DELIRIOUSLY hoping 🙏 the next time this jerk does this to another being (be it an animal or child), somebody BIGGER witnesses it, takes him behind the shed/barn and trounces THE HELL out of him. He deserves worse.

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But just think Who will be the first person she sees when her eyes are opened! Yes, I believe, like the late Billy Graham, that dogs go to Heaven.

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Amen. We sent one this week after 16 great years. Running in heaven with friends.

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It’s only with the heart that one can see clearly, what is essential. That’s what Marigold does, she looks at you with her heart and knows the love that’s now hers.

Bless you both 💙🐾🙏

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The heart is our powerful compass!

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It is! It’s the seat of our inner child, untainted by appearances. It sees and knows, it’s indeed our powerful compass, the most powerful one we’ve got, and we should listen to it. 💙🙏

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Le Petit Prince — my favorite book!

It is only with the heart one sees rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

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Exactly, I love that book, too. And it’s true. What our eyes are seeing is an outward appearance, and the appearance can be deceptive. The heart sees the essence (devoid of appearance) which by its nature is never deceptive.

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And, you are responsible for what you tame.

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Over the last 50 plus years I have rescued 6 dogs, 4 horses and cats to numerous to calculate. Some were strays who just showed up at our house and some were the victims of neglect but as far as I know none were beaten or physically abused. They all brought immeasurable joy to our lives.

It makes me sick to think there are people who abuse animals and I firmly believe that there is a special place in Hell reserved just for them.

God bless you, Sean and please give Marigold some ear scratches, a hug and a kiss from me.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

I have two rescued kitties. Scottie had been dumped in a park and the vet estimated he was about 7 or 8 weeks old when found. A lady rescued him and he eventually ended up with me. Gracie was found by the husband of the lady who rescued Scottie. She had been dumped along a major four-lane highway. Gracie was so young she didn't even have her eyes open yet! She eventually ended up with me. Ages for both are best guesses but the vet estimated they are about 3 months apart in age. Both are so sweet 😺, so onery 😉, so loving 🐈‍⬛. They are my 12th & 13th recuse kitties, I believe. I've lost count to tell you the truth. If I didn't live in a condo, I'd probably have more. But I'm limited by space and HOA rules. Probably a good thing there are restrictions. To save me from myself!

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We are truly blessed by our animal friends.

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Thank you to you and Jamie for loving her so much and leading this beautiful girl to an abundant life. Love Marigold and the sweet stories you share with us!

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We don’t deserve them🐶🐕🐩🦮🐕‍🦺but we thank God for them!🥰😇🤗😇

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Thank you for taking Marigold in and loving her.

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Do you think that having Marigold in your life prepared you for being with Becca? Maybe there is a grand design after all!

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I’m in awe where and how God uses us if we will listen and be obedient…..

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Most likely, a correlation is there!! I have witnessed a few of His before! ✝️

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There you go. Making a 64 year old Navy veteran cry big ole crocodile tears. Please hug Marigold for me. Tell her someone she's never met really loves her. And this snot hanging out my nose is all for her.

As if I couldn't love you more I do. I love you more for adopting Marigold and Becca too. You've made both their lives as good as they can possibly be.

God has big things in store for you. I just know it.

Thanks for being such a nice guy.

Lifer Steve

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Kind words from a beautiful heart LS!

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Give Marigold a hug and kiss for me. The man who hurt her has to explain a lot to his Maker one day. He is evil

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Oh, Sean, you absolutely NAILED it with that last comment. Marigold is finally having the life she deserved from birth, and you and Jamie have done a great job with her. All Marigold's admirers line up to pet her and have their picture taken with her. What a beautiful dog she is and what a beautiful life she enjoys today, thanks to you. And, Sean, of course, she knows how much you care for her. You, after all, are her eyes now and her comforter when the monster vacuums and garbage disposals sound off. I love dogs and she is one I would love to pet. She's one lucky dog after a miserable early life!

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I would love to hug her too…..such a beautiful dog!

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Sean, I love you for loving Marigold so much and protecting her. I hope to meet both of you someday. I love when you write about her so we can learn more about it. She has my heart….❤️

I have 8 rescues and love them all but no stories like Marigold. Thank you 🙏❤️🇺🇸 Ann Johnson

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I suppose it’s easier for some to express their pain through anger, through hurting others. Or themselves. Dysfunction has that toxic ripple effect.

Jesus fervently preached forgiveness because it’s a roadblock for continuing the pain. It doesn’t mean what was done was okay. Just that you’ll let Him sort it all out. He knows the whole story, we don’t.

No mean feat to let it go.

Because when I hear about abuse, especially of the innocent, I want to call down fire on the perpetrators (see disciples James and John). Even knowing present hurt comes from past hurt not being dealt with, compassion can be slow in coming.

Today I read ‘be the person your dog thinks you are’. Thankfully most of us are indeed made better by our pets.

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Dolores…you’re a wise, godly soul 💕

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I agree! …And so are you, Shelly! 💕

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Thank you Anne-Lise💕 There a few people on here that are kindred spirits and if we met, we’d all be friends!

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Dolores, I agree with Shelly! Many thanks for sharing your wisdom and kind heart. 💕

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Such a brave and beautiful girl Marigold must be. I only hope her horrible abuser sees your wonderful story.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 31

Someone who would hurt an animal to that extent would not be a person who would have access to or read Sean's column. And if he/she/they did, they would not see themselves as a villain. They would be the poor, misunderstood one. But I'd like to have a chance to convince them otherwise!

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They used to call me Mini But Mighty Mo cuz I’d take on boys who hurt animals etc. I’m currently 77 and stand 4’9” tall.

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Yeah, that person doesn't sound like the kind who would be tuned in to Sean's channel.

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Boy, me too, Nancy. 😡

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He prkbably won’t care enough to read it

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God knew what he was doing when he blessed you and Jamie with Marigold and Becca!

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He truly did. ✝️

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I have no words....

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