I love your happy stories, Sean. They are so uplifting and totally encouraging to all of us in the middle of this chaotic world at the moment. And all of us must, in any way we can, emulate those who bring goodness into our world. I agree with previous messages that we need to pay it forward. Whatever we receive, we must share with others. Thank you, God, for showing us the good in the world, through your messenger, Sean.

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We need a reminder some days of how blessed we are! Sean, your writing ✍🏻 does that for me each day. “You can’t tell me that wasn’t God!”

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Nothing like people who have been on the short end of the stick to understand just how hard it can really be. So often, those will be the folks who know the look of somebody hungry, about to give up, or in need of being pulled back from the edge. We could all do a little more to reach out to somebody who is in a bad spot. It makes all the difference.

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Beautifully said...

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“When I was a little boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”-Mr. Rogers 🙌🏻✝️

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That really hit me. Thank you for that.

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Thanks, Sean. It's true that there are a lot of good, kind people out there who care for others. These random acts of kindness are part of what keeps this world together. If we all made an act of kindness every day, however small, this world would be a better place.

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A little goodness and kindness goes a long way, these days. ❤️

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It sure seems to, Cheri.

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Sean, you gave us all an enormous gift today…Good Samaritans in Dallas, Atlanta, KS, and PA…💝💝💝💝 The stories just flowed, along with my tears, and I wanted to read a hundred more.

Yes indeed, there really are a lot of good people out there! Thank you restoring my Faith in Humankind. And God Bless You for spreading four solid reasons to Believe that ✝️

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Thinking about the people in the Florida area and the east coast area tonight flooding.

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Right Susie….I’m one of those new Floridians! Here in Sarasota just 7 weeks

& the rain was cats & dogs all day Sunday, all night & finally stopped mid afternoon Monday…

I believe 12-16” 😳 phew….

I had a neighbor call to see if I was ok late last nite….I’m blessed 🙏🏻 to have great new neighbors!

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Climate change, global warming, do you believe it yet?

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No… Florida always has hurricanes and flooding.

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Well, that's a lot of rain, Marilyn. Stay safe.

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The power of kindness in action. Pay it forward. Help whenever you can

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Keep sharing this stuff. We need the reminders.

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THIS is why I read your wonderful words every night. The goodness, the generosity, the caring nature of people everywhere needs to put out there for all to see. And nobody does that better than you, Sean. Please never stop writing!

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Pay it forward!!! 💕💕💕

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Sean, one of our Lord’s Disciples ✝️

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Sean, born to love and kindness, as we each are, as dogs are, the latter not at all a “Lord’s Disciple,” the former, only if he chooses to be.

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Goodness gracious. I love these stories. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks for the good news stories! I can only take just so much of the headline news but I look forward to your writing. Thanks for lighting things up, my good news spreading friend! ❤️

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Truckers do more than deliver.

Thanks again Sean.

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Amen, John.

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So inspiring! Thank you, Sean!

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