Prayers for Eva & “her” kids.

Love will find a way.

The Lord will provide shelter, comfort, & love in His arms daily 🙏🏼

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How often it is that the one who offers to serve also happens to be in need. But they take it upon themselves to give their care to others before making their own need known. Blessings to Eva, to the children she will be caring for, the grief stricken family members and friends who have such fresh loss before them, and all those others who serve in unexpected ways as they step up to respond to the need when they are called.

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She is humble and has a generous heart.

As we all should strive to be.

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Touching.. Another Mennonite lady penned the words to the song titled “Give Me, Lord, A Caring Heart”. The last line of the chorus reads “Help me make a difference, Let me share the pain, Give me, Lord, a caring heart”.

Eva exemplified that in perfection. Thank you, Sean, for informing us so we can do our little part in returning the favor to Eva in her time of distress.

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Prayers for Eva. Prayers of thanksgiving for her life and love for others. She exudes compassion so easily and gracefully. And now she will raise precious children, well equipped with what they will need. Praying her life will continue with God’s direction and wisdom. Prayers will always encourage and offer hope.

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There you did it again!! Making me cry!! She will be greatly rewarded & definitely have lots of people praying for her & those sweet kids who didn’t ask for this either 💕💕💕

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In the midst of her own grief and perhaps apprehension over sudden responsibility, Eva lays that aside to minister to others. Eva exhibits Galatians 5:22-23 … the gifts of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Prayers the children will see Jesus in her too.

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Yes, I'm praying for Eva and the children sh's taking in at such a horrible time in their lives! And also for those on the flight Eva said she pray for.

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So much good exists in this world. Keep your eyes open, you'll see it, too.....

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Beautiful, Sean. Praying for Eva, her new life, and the others on the plane.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Beautiful. I didn't expect that at the end. Praying for her.

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Wow. I am now crying. And I’ll be praying for Eva and everyone else. ❤️💔❤️

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Prayers going up for Eva.

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I think she will have the strength to raise her brother's children. Life can be a challenge sometimes and sometimes you have to "roll with the flow".

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Definitely prayers for Eva and for her new family. May she find a wonderful man to help her raise her brother's children. What a sad story, but with her happy disposition and prayers for all, God will hold her and her "children" in his arms.

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Sean, you met an angel!

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You bet I’ll pray for Eva and those poor children!! I hope we’re all praying for each other….and showing gratitude for the things in our lives that are really pretty great.

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