“Not what you’d call an inspirational writer…” 😂 I’ve got some news for you.

This is just what you are! 🍻Cheers

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Amen to that!

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When we arrive in heaven and see our lives in review, we’ll all find we have many an angel to thank. All praise to the Father who sends them.

Hebrews 1:14

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I’m here, because the angel watching over me convinced me to sleep at my sister’s house on a stormy, snow filled night in March. The next morning we discovered our family home where I lived about 200 yards away, was completely destroyed by a fire we never saw, nor heard. I’m a believer, Sean, thanks.

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Wow! That’s a big Angel story!

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Moms have a way of seeing the big picture over the long haul. They just know things that it seems to take the rest of us longer to come around to. Thank goodness for them.

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Well said, LB.

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I, for one, love your angel stories, Sean. I think most of your readers do, also. As a young person I didn't think much about angels, but since then, I've seen too many things happen that protected me from danger when i was going full tilt whether driving, walking or whatever. I'm convinced now that I, too, have guardian angels looking after me. Today, for instance, I was on my usual walk on our curvy, hilly road. I heard a car coming, so I stepped to the grassy side of the road, and watched as the crazy, speeding driver, going around a curve had to slam on his brakes, because a big honking truck was coming in the opposite direction on the same curve of a two-lane road. 15 seconds later and how many more steps and I would likely have been squashed between the two of them or at least hit by the speeder. Yes, my guardian angel was with me! And I give full credit to God and his angels for saving me! Thank you, Lord.

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Good job in giving the angels credit! Did you hear the bell?🔔

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No bell. Should I have heard a bell? I heard the squealing of brakes. Does that count?

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My read is that the bell rang for Sean's wings a while back.

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I have my own angel encounter I hold close. Of course I believe.

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Faraway places…like Milwaukee.🤭

Angels walk among us but so do demons. Where are the demon stories? Oh that’s right, we are sick to death of hearing about the govt.🤷🏼‍♀️

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Lol, you're a hoot, M.

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Too funny! But ain't it so.

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Yes, mothers are good at many things, and one of them is “rubbing it in.” Whether it be sunburn protection, or healing liniment, or just an “I told you so” moment.

God Bless All Mothers with the Wisdom They Need to Guide Their Chiildren, and also Teach Them About Angels 😇🙏😇

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Thanks for sharing your angels with us. Some weeks we really need them😇💝

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You don't know what to do with these angel stories? You do publish books, don't you? You should know that stories like these help steer otherwise non-believing people in the right direction. As for those who have also had experiences, there's nothing like a good corroboration with others' beliefs to shore up faith. Okay, you know what to do from here. We'll wait. ☺ ♥

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How about creating an Angel stories composite book? I know I’d read it!🤗

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Sometimes you entertain angels in disguise.

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Yep, this group is definitely crazy for Angel stories. ☺️

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Actually, you are an inspirational writer. You find the good inthis world and the people you encounter. You give us hope with such uplifting articles. That's inspiration in a crazy world. Our lives are surrounded by angels if only we would admit it. Thank you.

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Thank You Christine

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