What will you do when Rosie the Robot makes you a sandwich with Miracle Whip, instead of Duke's? Could be as bad as when your robot vacuumer took care of your dog, or worse.

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Does Rosie even know about Duke's?

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Why, oh why? All I can hear in my head is from 2001 A Space Odyssey , "no Dave, I can't do that"

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I remember the old folks saying “I’ve lived too long”. I now understand.

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I am there. That is me. One of the last of the Baby Boomers.

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Excellent post, Sean! I'm 75 and thank God I can still wipe my own ... Thank you!

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Al will be confused when Christ Jesus arrives

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AI butt wipe. Just a bit more information than I needed to know. 😊

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I don't think they'll ever be able to write a particularly good joke.

You heard it here first.

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There’s a place for AI. But I want a neighbor to have it first. A neighbor I don’t like. Who will never sit on our upholstery.

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I’m with you for sure… never on my sofa.

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Especially a couch vacuumed with an AI robot?

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Do I ever FULLY agree, Sean! AI just ain't up to human brains, never will be, and certainly isn't now. What drives me nuts are when you need an answer to a real problem in a program or app. The chat "robot" can never, ever answer any but the simplest questions and getting a person is always iffy. And you've already tried all the way answers, and they didn't work! I say this quite frequently nowadays, but "I'm glad I'm old." Tech has outrun my brain!

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I know how to break thru to a human being but I hold the secret close to the vest.

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If anyone ever notices and semi-mocks me and my flip phone, I always answer their inevitable questions about why I don't use a so-called "smart" phone with "Because I have a Smart Brain." Our brains can outrun anything, MAM!

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Thanks! I needed that. I run a digital-only news"paper," so I argue with tech often, too often! Fortunately, I have an excellent webmaster who can conquer that tech. I've learned more than I ever thought I could!

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Oh please.

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AI have no words.🥴

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This made me laugh out loud. Your writing gets better every day.

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I read this to my husband and both of us died laughing, especially about the AI vacuum and the dog and burning the house down!

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I have the same worry! I remember the day I vowed I would never be too lazy to change my TV channel. I ate those words.

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You had no choice! At least I didn’t when I was newly single in the mid 1980’s and went to buy a small TV. I said I didn’t want one with a remote and was told that was no longer a choice. The only way to turn them on/off, change the channel or adjust the volume was with a remote. 🫤

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Sean, I am a 20th century woman trapped in the 21st century. I still write checks, use cash, and read real books. In my opinion, AI is dangerous. As I once told my students, “One day when computers take over the world, y’all will say, ‘Mrs. Wallace was right.’” By that time, I hope to be old, dead, and in Heaven. Love to you, Jamie, Becca, Marigold, Otis Campbell, and Thelma Lou.

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AMEN Sister! To all of the above!!

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Thanks, Sheri!

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Wow what a story my dear friend and somewhat scary I’m not going to lie 😵‍💫 this world is changing but I hope it doesn’t change to much that it becomes unrecognizable and as for me no robot will ever replace what we can do and I hope our younger generation will understand that

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