If a prosthetic ear is an option for Becca, I’d be glad to donate toward one if needed.

I’m certain others would, too.

My prayer is the surgeons got all the cancer.

Bless Becca, and bless all those closest to her.

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I’ve wondered about this too, Leigh.

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Same here…maybe a go fund me for Becca???

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Even better if a local bank accepted donations as long as their fee is lower than gofundme’s. Gofundme takes 2.9% plus 30¢ per transaction. I’m not familiar with current bank fees as I haven’t worked at one since 1987. 🤣

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Give send go is probably better. Plus, they aren’t woke.

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Leigh, thanks for mentioning this. My husband and I would like to contribute to a prosthetic ear as well.

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Great idea!!! but I would like to start with donating for a DQ or anything else that might bring a smile.

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Count me in on a fundraiser to restore sweet Becca's ear with a prosthetic if that is a possibility.

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Take a deep breath, cry for as long as there are tears but always remember… Becca is never alone & neither are y’all.

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.”

Psalm 121

For that first hug when you see her you better hold on tight because it is going to be amazing. Your knees may even be wobbly for a little while so just keep holding on!

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Bless you for this, Jan. Your choice of Psalm 121 is perfect at this time. Thank you❣️

And now the healing begins, and prayers continue for dear Becca’s recovery🙏

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Amen to recovery beginning.

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Amen to you Jan Lord!

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Hi Becca,

I’ve been thinking about you a lot and praying for God to help with your beautiful “I can handle this” attitude. You have a lot to handle for a young girl soon to be in teenagedom. That’s when we all go bonkers worrying about what others our own age think of us. We all become socially obsessed with things like missing ears. I just want you to know that God is giving you challenges because He knows things. He knows about your coming life and how you’re going to make more and more friends that love you just the way you are. Which is a very beautiful and inspiring to the rest of us person! ❤️

Your admiring friend,


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I admire your courage in saying this: "We all become socially obsessed with things like missing ears." It captures angst and a bit of frivolity in a tough situation. Smiling or laughing through a tough time often helps.

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Lovely and loving, Ed. ❤️❤️❤️'s to you!

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Inspiring and just plain good. You are saving the world this way.

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There are lots of people who are Fonda that girl. May these many prayers help carry her to recovery as best as it can happen. And may they provide as gentle a place as possible for her family and her close friends to gather as they surround her with love.

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Thank God she is okay (as she can be under the circumstances)! Have been praying and waiting to hear! God must have amazing plans for that special child! Thank you for updating us! Blessings Sean!!

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So glad the cancer is gone. Hoping and praying that it will never return. If Becca chooses, the doctors can can fit her with a prosthetic ear. She might not like that ear. Remind her that her long hair will cover it nicely. She is and will remain beautiful no matter her choice. Her spirit and soul are beautiful. Remind her that thousands of people have prayed and continue to pray for her.

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My hope and prayers too.

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Some days...

My friend's baby died.

A child's ear was cut off because of cancer.

He hears our prayers and our weeping hearts.

He's a big enough God to handle our questions.

Today was tough.

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A tough week here, too, Angelena. I oversee a church food pantry, and we get food from Second Harvest. A 31-year-old woman who works in the office, the first person everyone sees when they go to Second Harvest, passed away suddenly from a seizure, leaving behind 3 children. She was so good at her job which involved juggling a number of duties; I overheard a number of people saying good things about her. It’s so hard to see babies and young people die instead of living out a full life.

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The baby's funeral is Monday as the sun is setting, in their private family cemetery. It will be sad and beautiful at the same time.

Life is the same some days, sad and beautiful.

I will be in prayer for your loss and for the path of her children.

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I agree with you about those that leave us way too soon…..have experienced these heart breaking days throughout my life…..and still painful…..I am praying for the children, family and friends this young mother leaves behind…..thankful for prayers and people of faith. 🙏

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Bless your heart. Praying for strength for your friend, and for you as you are there for her.

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I’m so sorry Angelina. Wish I could hug you…..I have been in prayer and know God’s presence will sustain us…….

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A gracious good morning and happy Friday to all yall. God bless Becca. God bless the care givers . God bless the care abouters.

Yall get on home now Sean. And...


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Oh, Becca. You will be so strong because everybody is sharing their strength with you. Lots of prayers and chuckles with you about people saying fart. What a family you have, and how beautiful you are.

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On our last FaceTime visit, my 6-year-old granddaughter told me, "I love you with all my fart." It was hilarious. I can imagine Becca singing that sentiment.

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"That's FUNNY, I don't care who you are", to quote Larry the cable guy.

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All I can think about is, I want, I want, I want. I want the cancer to go away, I want the pain to go away, I want to see her face singing again, I want a twelve-year-old, with a beautiful soul and a voice to match singing again, I want her life to go back to what a twelve-year-old girl is supposed to be. That is my prayer daily.

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John boy not only one with tears in their eyes

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Thank you God for allowing sweet Becca to make it through her surgery. I will keep praying for complete healing and a fast recovery. Please let her know we love her and God loves her more then us! ❤️

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Yes He does!

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Thank you for sharing sweet little beautiful Becca with us all my dear friend and I am so very grateful she is doing well and Becca is and always will be forever in our hearts and so will you lots and lots of love and hugs for you both 🙏🙏

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I have no idea what happened, but the incorrect link to the song sung by Sean and Becca popped up in my prior comment, so here is the correct one! Do listen to her sing and see how pretty Becca is:


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Thank you, Sandi. I had never seen Becca before, nor heard her voice. It really brought out the tears!! So beautiful!

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Same reaction from me, Randy! The words to to the song are very apropos for Becca today since of many of us are thinking about her and wishing her well. Plus, it's so nice to have a face to connect to her name, eh?

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Such a sweet voice and perfect harmony 💕

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Yes, Sandi, thank you so much! Oh my…..my heart is full!!!! ♥️

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Thanks for the Becca updates. Your readers are praying for her, and she's now in our hearts. Her parents chose the perfect godfather, and your love for her is awesome.

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Yes, sweet Becca. I am still praying for you.

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