There are some things that are truly unfair. We may each carry burdens that are uneven. Some carry far more than their share of challenges. Blessings to you, Becca, as you endure this next surgery. My hope and prayer is that you will have the very best outcome that's possible. Thanks be to God for a family that loves you dearly, a friend who will make good on his promises to hold your hand, and a whole bunch of people you don't know who are praying for the hands, and eyes, and smarts of your surgeons that they are at their very best as they do what they can for you.

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Lander, you put into words so eloquently what I had just finished praying. Thanks to Sean, Becca now has gazillions of prayer warriors. Cancer is still cancer, but Becca is in a great place to fight it at Children's Hospital. What a brave and sweet, happy kid!

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Thank you so much, Phillip. It is good to know she is in good hands.

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Beautiful, Lander.

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I’m praying that God’s healing will take place and you will prosper in your faith, Becca

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I'm praying for you too, dear Becca! You will look beautiful with or without your ear. I promise! Do you know why? Because everyone will be looking at your radiant smile and listening to your heavenly singing! An ear? Pshaw! That's nothing! What do ears do besides stick out oddly on the side of your head? And I bet Sean's ears are especially big and ugly! Right? Stay brave and strong! You've got this! You have hundreds of us and our loving Heavenly Father all on your side. Hugs and prayers! ❤️❤️

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Oh how I hate cancer! My prayers will join everyone else’s.

This August will be my 13th year volunteering at the PMC, one of the largest cancer fundraisers, which takes place on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Riders and volunteers put the names of cancer warriors on ribbons and attach them to their shirts. Becca, I will put your name on a ribbon and tuck it in after my husband & parents names.

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You brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely gesture. ❤️

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Praying for this angel and all those who love her.

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Dear Becca, I, as well as armies of others, will be storming heaven with prayers for the surgery to be a success. For now, consider those of us all over the country as "subs" for Sean until he gets there. Much love .

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I’m joining you in your prayers for Becca 🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼

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Dearest Becca, yes, Sean is right, many people are praying for you. This cancer is not fair, and we don't understand why it's there to disturb your summer fun, but we keep praying that after this surgery you will be healed. May God hold you in the palm of his hand and give you back your bright smile and your happy laughter. We pray that very soon we will hear you singing again with Sean. Becca, be assured, you will always be beautiful, more beautiful than all other princesses of this world.

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So many are praying for Becca and clear margins!!🙏🙏🙏

Prayers for her family and for you, Sean. I know your heart is with her!❤️‍🩹

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Lord, I pray for Becca and please heal her and also let her know how much she is loved. Also dear God please give me just a little of the Strength this Beautiful Becca has to keep me going too. Love to Becca

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And I as well. We all warrwant the same. Becca, our sweet girl, you have legions of fans from Sean praying for you and your family.

God Bless you for all of your strength sweetie. You've got this!!❤️🙏

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Oh Becca! We love you to the moon and back! You've got this! Sean, Jamie, where can we send cards/small gifts? Your strength boggles the mind of THIS cancer survivor! LOVELOVELOVE, Kimberly and Kevin in Arizona~

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Yes, I am praying. If I knew how I would send my guardian angel to your location to hold hands with your guardian angel. My angel is pretty good, keeping me safe for 72 years.

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Paul, here's how.. you can ask your guardian angel to call upon 'unemployed'' angels to go and be by Becca's and her own angel's side! I did! Let there be legions of angels there this morning!

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Prayers for precious Becca……praying over the medical team that will be with her, prayers for family and friends …..Becca has many prayer warriors on here and she is very loved!!!! ♥️🙏♥️

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She is the Beloved child of God and He is hearing all of our prayers for Becca❤️🙏

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Sean, thank you for “introducing” me to Becca so soon after I recently discovered Substack and your column. Becca, your spirit shines so bright through Sean’s words, and I will be trying my hardest to send love and positive healing energy (otherwise known as prayers) to you as you face this hurdle. And while I can’t answer your question about wearing earrings in the future, I know for absolute certain that you will be beautiful!

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Praying for you precious Becca. I love reading any story about you that Sean writes. I feel like I know you and you are family. And Sean, I love you too. Stay strong for Becca and keep us informed about her surgery.

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Becca has my prayers. Sounds like the most amazing young lady. And prayers to you, Sean, and all of those who love her dearly.

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