I like your stories. They make me feel OK even when they are sad. That is being a good storyteller. You are gentle with the truth. I appreciate you.

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Being "gentle with the truth," that is a nice something to aim for!

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Sean, I'm sure you didn't let that old man down. You probably brought down the house, and after the show the old man thanked his wife for dragging him there. Because we all know that you, Sean, are an old man in a young man's body. That's why I would wager that the vast majority of your daily readers are all fogies like me! Except I'm not an old man; I'm an old woman, with hopefully a still fairly young mind in an old body. I still love to learn new things; I love to read; I try to keep up with tech; and I still love good stories, and you, Sean, give us the best ones every day.

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I’m quite sure you didn’t let him down! Happy Father’s Day to the wonderful godfather to Becca ♥️

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Sean, my sweet redhead, you could never let anyone down.

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I just returned from Arkansas where I attended a funeral of a friend of my parents. I grew up with his daughters and his grandchildren grew up with my children. His son told stories of his father and lot of stories his father told him. If you ever got his dad going, he would tell stories one after another. You would laugh till you cried then cry till you couldn't see straight. His son and his grandson did him proud. It was sad that I saw so many people I haven't see in 30 years but when a man like this passes away, everyone comes from every part of the country to pay their respects.

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Sorry about your loss……hopefully someone has recorded your friend’s stories…..I’m sure they will continue to be shared. Storytellers leave a huge impact on us, don’t they!

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So thankful for the men who took you under their wing, Sean.

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I am one of those old men having a chuckle. I love your self deprecating humor Sean. With this story at least, "you didn't suck".

Happy Father's Day either to you, your biological father or one of those old men you told us about...

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Old men know stuff. But sometimes we should keep it to ourselves. Bet you rocked Charleston.

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Ernie, I think Sean is in Charleston the 20th.

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Oops…. Old men don’t know important stuff. 🤦‍♂️

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They just know the RIGHT stuff!

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I guarantee you made that fellas'' evening and the rest of those attending. My sister and I met you and Jamie at at a book signing in downtown Greenwood, MS March 2020 just before Covid started shutting everything down. Regardless of the rather small venue and and wee audience in attendance, you gave us more than our money's worth! Especially considering it was free free to attend.. You're most humble and and salt o' the earth.. You and Jamie compliment each other perfectly! I pray God continues to bless Y'all and all of us.

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Lucky!!! Maybe someday I’ll get to see him. Please come to Oklahoma, Sean, and do more than one place so I can get the chance!

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I’m sure you didn’t let the old Man down. I know when I saw you in Rome Georgia in March, you didn’t let this old lady down. You are a dear soul. I thank you for sharing your talent with us.

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Just wait til he tells his wife he met you in the restroom! She may view him with much higher regard.

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More to da point Pone, I hope you hadn't just "pinched a loaf." Old man broke a sweat and said "Whew, dem Dawgs is barking."

Pone, if you can't laff @ yourself, who can you laff at? Sometimes Dat public speaking will make you "loose in da caboose!"

It'll all "Work out!"

Pubert Earle

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Oh…If we would only listen……💗

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You didn’t. You are amazing onstage. You held my attention the entire show and that is unusual for me. You have a gift. Grateful you are sharing it!

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Anyone who had had to “stand and deliver”, knows the rush of being “on”. It’s unbelievable, exhausting, intoxicating and addictive. Admit it Sean….you love that rush…and I’m betting you are always fantastic….how about coming to Denver so I can see for myself!!!!

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Sean, your stories help us remember days that were carefree, forget whatever problems we are dealing with, laugh until tears are rolling down our face, and tell others they need to read your stories and not talk so much about how bad things are.

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