I have somebody close to me who has a long question mark shaped scar just behind her hairline. The tip of it peaks out at the nape of her neck. It's a sign to me of her perseverance and her strength. It means she has survived. I hope it will mean that for your young friend. He's surviving. He's breathing. May he have coughing fits when he hits one hundred as he tells people I just keep breathing.

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I agree… he is surviving and understands the importance of positivity and perseverance.

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Isn't it something how that other very important list.....your prayer list....gets longer because there are so many people to care about? Thanks for another winner, Sean!

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I think that young man gave us all something to do each day. I know I’m gonna add that to my morning devotional reading. Thank you!

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Without fail, Sean of the South always gives us excellent words of wisdom.

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Thank you for this lesson. First I am blessed and second so is this young man. Third, I will write my list each morning. And fourth, you are a teacher, and a good man, Charlie Brown.

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Beautiful story. And it began with a beautiful hug.

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Nice Tinabeth!

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Naw Cindy da proper etiquette is ⚡️TCB⚡️

Yo Peb

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Thanks PEB……😉

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Sometimes you hope prayer will help and a lot of times it doesn't but in this case, I hope an exception will be made. When you get my age, I would hope my life would be extended a little longer but a young man like the one in your story has just started his life which will be full of experiences. I hope a prayer will not only give the young man hope but maybe a few experiences to last. He already met you and I know a lot of your readers would like to have the same experience. Including myself.

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Prayer does help, always, I believe. Not always the way we want or what we may petition for……but prayers from a sincere and devoted heart will know in some way they have been heard. Comfort……guidance…..people who enter our lives with encouragement or wisdom…..a feeling we can’t often describe. I absolutely could not deal with pain, suffering or death without prayer…….”I need help” is often my simplest prayer. My fault with prayer is that I don’t pray enough…..

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Sean — this is beautiful. Once again, thank you for brightening my day! This makes me want to begin making my own lists, and you will be at the top.

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Reminds me of what I once heard a pastor say. He said when he is counseling a couple considering divorce, he tells them each to make a list of 10 things they loved about the other person when they were first fell in love. More times than not, after focusing on their lists, they often rediscover the love they once shared and reconcile.

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That young man is wise, you share that wisdom and I’m grateful. I know something of gratitude myself, but that’s not this story. It’s his, and yours and I send you both strength.

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I love your daily reminders of beautiful humanity.

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Yous tied up in "Knots!"


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“Gratitude lifts our eyes off the things we lack so we might see the blessings we possess." ~ Max Lucado

Rather than possess I would say, the blessings we are given.






Clean comedians


Thrift shops

Word puzzles

Overcomers, my prayer is this young man will have such a story.

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We love you, Jamie, Thelma Lou, Otis Campbell, Marigold, and Y'all's families.. Thanks always for sharing your thoughts, talents and insights. GOD BLESS!

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A heart warming story. Truth is..everyone is carrying a burden…some are heavier than others..some are about health, others are relationship oriented and all sorts of stuff in between. Love, hug and send good wishes to all who have touched your life….because to be sure…there are those sending you well wishes and love!!

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I love that I found your Substack. It is a bright spot in a cloudy world. I like your outlook. I like the things you notice and the way you are able to allow your reader into the story. Thank you.

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A gracious good morning and happy Tuesday to all yall. This is a good lick Sean ! It reminded me of things I love. I love getting up before the sun has even thought about coming up. It's dark and quiet and it slowly starts gettin a little light in the east and the first of the suns beams come thru the tops of the trees. I love this first cuppa Joe. I love the dawn because it reassures me that during the night I didn't board the Jesus bus and we're rollin down the hallelujah turnpike. And speakin of rollin, the pack of pups is fed and we are heading to da equine repository. Yall have a chocolate doughnut kind of mornin and ...


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Love your early morning rise up and shine, your thankful heart and your chocolate doughnut good wishes for the day! Peace back at ya!

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One of da all time greats RicCy P.!

Yo Peb

PS Don't be no stranger! Dat's what Suzue sez!


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