Please don’t ever stop sharing these stories!! I love being reminded of the wonderful people in this world and the miracles that happen every day.

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Your stories are the kind that give people hope and joy and the best part of all is that they are life stories of people who lived them or witnessed them! They make you want to shout for joy and give praise to our Father and His Son for the miracles and joy that abound in this world if you just stop and listen. Thank you Sean!

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You sure are doing a good job with what you have been called to do! Thank you for sharing!

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When I was 45, I was diagnosed w stage 4 brain cancer. Doctors told me I had 3-6 months to live. There was little they could do, just make me more comfortable. I prayed everyday, all day. I did a lot of imaging of the cancer being killed by my spiritual warriors. It’s a long story, but 21 years later I am alive and well. The cancer just disappeared. The doctors didn’t know why. I do.

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Praise God

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Tearing up here. Second chances and miracles abound. They don’t always happen, and we don’t know when they will and when they won’t, but when they do, it’s mighty powerful.

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From time to time, I NEED to hear these types of stories. Sometimes, life kicks you in the teeth, and you just need happy tales, and miraculous stories, and things to encourage you. Please keep on keeping on. These stories matter. They make a difference in someone's life. God bless

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Totally beautiful. Thank you

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My sister use to be hair dresser then she got asked by a local funeral home if she would be interested in doing the hair of the souls that had passed on? She said she would give a go. She became so interested in it that she went back to school and became a mortician. She was in her late 40's when she graduated.

There were no jobs close to home when she graduated so she took a job about 120 miles from home at a funeral home. She would work her schedule then go home to her husband on her off days.

During this time away from home my other sister, who lived near my mortician sister, started getting sick with frontal loble dementia.

One evening my sister got a call to pick up a man that had passed away. It was in the winter with snow and ice on the ground. She got to the location and saw that she couldn't access the back door with the driveway due to ice and snow, so she had to park in front on the main road with traffic.

She was pulling the gurney out of the back of the van and a drunk driver slammed into the back of the van at full speed. The gurney flew several yards away from the van. There were people watching from inside the house and they thought she had been killed.

To this day, she has no idea what happened but she said she was pulling out the gurney then the next thing she knew is that she was standing 30 feet from the back of the van, completely unharmed.

Was it a guardian angel, the spirit of the man that passed..who knows? But it was a miracle.

She took that incident as a sign that it was time to go home and stay. Once she got home she found out how sick my other sister was and helped take care of her until she passed away. She felt it was God telling her to go home, she was needed.

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Great story W squared!

Pubert Earle

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Our God is an awesome God!

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In my recent blog called The Perfect Day, I tell how three people on the same street in a city of 500,000 randomly connected through a benefit concert. You are right. These things happen, way more often than you would imagine. Love your stories!

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Thanks, Sean. You’re making me a hope junkie. Every time I need it, you deliver. Blessings.

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Thanks, Sean! You make my day💕

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A gracious good morning and happy Tuesday to all yall. I think we need more stories like these. We get enough garbage thrown at us every day so it's good to have some positive thoughts. I hope yall are well. Have a wondermous day and ...peace

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Alrite Gynormous! Git out dere and "Tickle da Pickle!"


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Go back and read the last sentence, Shelly and Beth…I had to 😊

Thank you Sean… Your words are a powerful gift to us every day…our daily bread.

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Pure, raw, unfiltered heart on this one Sean of the South. Wow. Thanks.

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Darn you, Sean. You made me cry again. Just a warning, I am a hugger. If we meet, you are getting a hug, wanted or not.

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I've come to understand that Sean is a neck hugger. So maybe you two will be just fine with the hugging bit.

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