Some people need miracles to believe, others don't. But there's one thing for certain, when He calls you, you know it...and you run to him full speed ahead.

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That is for sure!

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This really hit home to this 84 year old man who has had some of the same thoughts.

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I too am an 84 year old man, one who was changed from being religious to one, who by the grace of God, was brought into a “personal, life changing spiritual relationship “ with Jesus Christ many years ago. Two worlds, material and spiritual. One we live by sight and the other we live by faith. May God bless and keep you Richard.

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What a beautiful testimony. I love that you expressed His love so eloquently.

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I'm so thankful this hit home with you! Praying now that God will make Himself and His love obvious to you!

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He's a gentle man. He'll knock at your door. He'll come in, if you let Him. It's really not complicated.

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I love it when the unbelievers become believers, even if they still don't think they believe! She has been saved twice in her life - from the accident and from cancer. It didn't take a third time to convince her of a being greater than herself. God is good. He is always good and His angels are his messengers!

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Amen! He is always good!

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Pretty darned amazing. It's something else when grace breaks in. We don't know why. We don't know how. Sometimes it just does. And it is truly amazing.

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I love this so much! Thank you Sean, on behalf of anyone who thought giving up was the next best thing. I personally appreciate this very much! God bless!

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Sometimes it takes a hard lesson for a non-believer to accept the love of Christ! Amen!

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We all have angels that surround us both in good times and bad times.

My prayer is we don’t brush off those angels but instead except their boss anew each & every day.

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Accept. Jesus is Lord!🙌🏻✝️

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The Holy Spirit found you when you recognized you wanted to live.

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Somebody said that He makes His office at the end of our rope. Some of us can me real stubborn sometimes.

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It's true that God works in mysterious ways…He answers our calls when we need Him most. May He bless each one of you today. 💕

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God is good!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

I imagine if you were to ask her children they would say she’s the rock of the family. It happens in a lot of poor families. One individual bears the brunt of seemingly doing it all. And they are the least likely ones to ask for help. They have it all under control. While Someone anxiously awaits the call for ‘help’.

It takes dire straits for such a persons eyes to be opened. Looking back I’d bet she’d admit Someone is arranging things all along. God is so patient.

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AMEN. Amen.🙏🏻♥️

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Once again, God is so good, even in our unbelief.

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