A very important point you make. Whether human or animal, where you come from has nothing to do with your worth. Your worth is in how you treat others. God created us all equal. It is our job to love unconditionally and completely.

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Dammit, Sean...you make me laugh or cry every day. Some days both. I 💛 you.

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Yep, same! To do that so often takes great talent!!

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I know!!! I'm such a bleeding heart for any animal and especially cats and dogs!!!

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me too

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It is such a sweet privilege to be trusted by an animal that has grown up in the streets. Maybe that's not so different from being trusted by people who have grown up in similar circumstances. It's rare. It says as much about them as it does the one they've entrusted with an approach, and then a friendship. It's good she was cherished by someone so trustworthy and kind.

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I'm so sorry, Sean. We don't know what heaven looks like. It may be different for each of us. But my heaven will hold all of the animals that have been loved. I remember an episode of The Twilight Zone where an old man died trying to save his coon dog while hunting. He came upon a man that said he reached heaven but his dog couldn't come in. He wouldn't either, so he walked on and found his heaven where his dog was welcome. That's where Half-Ear is now.

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Karri ~ I remember that episode. The 1st “heaven stop” looked so convincing but the old man would have none of leaving his best furry friend. The 2nd “heaven “ was glorious….filled with our beloved animals.

RIP half ear ~ you were a great friend to many. 🐈‍⬛💕🐈‍⬛

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Animals and babies, they’re precious because they love unconditionally. Animals for a lifetime. Somehow that incredible trait wears off a human as we age. It’s restored when the Holy Spirit makes a home in our hearts.

I recently lost my dear Scout, we’d been friends for 15 years or more. I can’t remember the year he showed up (I lived in another city). The vet said he was probably 2 -3 years old then. So he lived a total of 17-18 years. Kidney failure got him in the end. I had to make that last kind decision not to let him suffer. I saw it coming and thought I could keep it somewhat together.

That turned out to be false in a big way.

My grief was not any different from saying goodbye to a human. His ashes are on my mantle now. Sometimes I still think I hear his unique meow despite having 4 other indoor cats. Each one having a specific personality as well as meow.

Additionally I have 3-5 ‘half ears’ that show up at the back door to be fed about twice a day. An agency helped me to trap and they hauled them off to be ‘fixed’.

All this to say I understand your sorrow. Thanks for being a friend to ‘the least of these’. And yes, I believe it includes animals. Furthermore,

1) spay and neuter

2) adopt don’t shop

3) donate time or money to your local agencies that help with strays and ferals. They are overwhelmed.

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I am convinced there is a special place in heaven for God’s people who care for “the least of these.” And I believe that special place holds all our beloved pets.

As Jesus raises our souls up into His image, we, also, raise up our pets’ souls to ours although a shadow of Our Lord’s image.

God bless you and your kitties.

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Thanks for those kind words.

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Thank you. But ultimately, thank C.S. Lewis as he writes in “The Problem of Pain.”

Lewis suggests that humans are able to impart onto domestic animals a certain part of his or her “self”--as Jesus imparts His “Self” onto His people.

Lewis concludes, “And in this way it seems to me possible that certain animals may have immortality, not in themselves, but in the immortality of their masters.”

Comfort to all grieving pet parents as yet another one of Our Lord’s promises transfers from us to our beloved pets: “O, Death, where is your sting?”

O, what a foretaste of glory Divine!

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It really is the same grief!! I agree with you on your 3 final points!! God bless!!

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God bless you and your loving ways. I have a rescue feral beautiful cat…Tippy. She wants to be my friend and follows me around the house like a puppy dog but just doesn’t trust completely. I’m glad your kitty friend trusted and loved you and you In return. That’s all any of us need…❤️

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Tippy will warm to you. Eventually.

I had a black, nearly-feral cat that I named Felix. He was always hungry and his eyes always weepy. And I was the only privileged human permitted to pet him. And I treated his eyes until they cleared. And had him neutered. No need to tip his ear by then. He was my handsome boy. And I made a comfy, warm, outside house for him to winter.

But when he was hit by a car, he crawled to the neighbors’ house to pass to the next life under their car. Those people had him as a kitten but had tossed him out for some unknown reason to fend for himself until he found me. At least, the neighbor recognized that I had cared for him and asked if I would like to bury him. I did. And now Felix rests peacefully with our other most-beloved pets guarded by an angel marker.

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Thank you for writing this glorious tribute to the cat. I was afraid your (fully justified!!!) love for dogs might have blinded you to the joys of cat companionship! How delightful to find that not so!

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I feel you. I felt lost when my cat died after being my friend for 12 years. The void was deep. It's such a privilege to feel loved by a cat.

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A heartfelt eulogy to a close & true friend, one with no expectations save returned friendship. Loved it Sean.

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Very touching and beautifully said.

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What a tender, sweet story, Sean. You are a good man.

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Dang it ! Another dam tear jerker! I haven't even gone to the barn ! Just working on my second cup and I read this.

Really nice. I've got too much to say and too little time to say it. Thanks Sean.


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I’m so sorry, Sean. What a beautiful tribute to Half Ear.

It’s very hard to lose our fur babies. Thinking of you and sending love, too.❤️💕

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I’m crying with you.

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Brilliant and beautifully written. Half-ear is whole-ear in heaven 💗

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Profoundly beautiful, Sean. You have distilled the essence of friendship in a few paragraphs. Thank you.🩷

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