I am grateful for men who might not think they're very smart, but they sure as hell know how to love not just from the heart, but way down, past the belly and all the way to the toes. I am grateful for email, because without it I would not have read this letter. You made me cry for all the right reasons. And I am grateful for that, too. Thank you

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You speak well, having walked the same path as this young boy. Sean, I know you went through hard times, but having walked those paths, you can support those who travel the same hard road.

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Remember the song in the 50's. You got to walk that lonesome valley. You got to walk it by yourself. Oh, nobody else can walk it for you. You got to walk it by yourself..

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“But I noticed, God, that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,

there was only one set of footprints.

I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me.

God whispered, ‘My precious child, I love you and will never leave you.

Never, ever, during your trials and testings.

When you saw only one set of footprints,

It was then that I carried you.’”

From “Footprints in the Sand”

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Oh my. The entirety of God’s love. That is so strong. Oh my.

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I agree-

Oh my!

It really is God’s love and His voice is at its strongest when we are at our weakest.

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What a beautiful reply to a very sad boy, Sean, with whom you can only too well relate, unfortunately. You are a voice of hope and reason for those who suffered as you did, and yes, we all have God, our Creator, speaking to us in a tiny little voice that we, at least in my case, don't often listen to enough. He loves us unconditionally, and we must remember and ever be thankful for. Uh-oh, I ended a sentence with a preposition. I must rewrite it to say: We must always be thankful for the unconditional love that God showers on us every day. Either way, it says the same thing. Thank you, Lord, for your love for us!

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I am so grateful I had one more special day with my beautiful momma Wednesday before she passed Thursday night. So grateful that she waited till I got there so I could hold her once more. So grateful she is free.

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Sharon ~ so sorry for your loss but you made it home to see her & hold her once more….beautiful.

Hugs & Blessings dear lady 🙏💕

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She was so far from home, way up in Indiana, a Southern girl who wanted desperately to come back home. I tried to bring her back here, to Florida, but my sister and her husband wouldn’t let go of their control.

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I’m sorry you had to go through that ~ it’s not easy.

So glad you got to see her & spend time with her.

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Thank you, Sean❤️

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So very sorry for your loss, Sharon. I'm so glad that you were able to spend some time with your mom before her passing. Hoping for peace and comfort for you. May her memory be a blessing.

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Sharon, Losing a parent is is so, so difficult. And I'm so sorry that you have just lost your Mom. I lost both my Mom and Dad a lot of years ago and I still think of them every single day. May the good Lord bless you with peace and comfort, strength and courage now and in the hard months ahead. You will be in my prayers.

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Prayers for you, Sharon. I understand the loss of a mother…..I miss mine terribly…even after 19 years! Thankful you held her with much love! That’s a sad but beautiful image.

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My condolences to you. I am glad you could have those last moments with your mom.

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Sharon, my heart goes out to you over this loss. But I'm also so happy for the answered prayers, that you were able to see her before she passed. Praying for you and your family that the ugliness over these past months will be behind you and forgiven.

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A lady told his son. I'm going to visit your sister. She returned, call her paster, who came to her home. She asked him to read her favorite scriptures, which she spoke with the pastor. She then went to bed and quietly went home with a smile on her face.

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You might feel alone. It might be hard to understand your mom's choice. There might be some people who don't understand, and they end up picking on you. But there's a whole big bunch of people pulling for you, hoping you'll know you're not alone even for a minute. It might be hard to think about what you're thankful for. But I'm betting those things will come. Take a little time. Get outside. Find some friends who know how to laugh. Enjoy their company. Don't be afraid to spend some time to yourself. See what you can remember about some things your mom told you that you loved. Remember that she loved you, and she loves you still. And look for people you enjoy and who want to hang out with you. They're there, even if you can't see them right now.

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Wise words my friend. Wise words.

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Remember the cartoons, with the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, each, trying to direct our path. Harry Potter book sold 400 million copies. It is about witchcraft. We used to read Pilgrim's Progress, probably the most read book for 100 yrs. Not anymore. We reap what seeds we sow, more than we sow, and we see the results in 7 yrs.

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Beautiful Sean. God brings us closer when we’re a traumatized child so He can supervise. Daniel gets special attention. I hope and pray that he’s able to hear and recognize that voice.

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I pray that the other voices are ignored.

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Thank you for saying that Matt. ❤️ I may over simplify those other voices into one with “Works in Progress”. Daniel may hear from a lot of “others” in the form of well meaning people… myself included. There’s no one more sensitive than a traumatized child. ❤️ And thank you for giving me an opening to share my website. I believe God has SOMETHING to do with EVERYTHING. ❤️

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I salute you as a fellow Christian soldier. I read the last chapter. We win.

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God wins… we’re just in the wake. ❤️

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Children from all walks of life are affected by someone who takes their own life. I know people who have had someone close to them decide life is just too hard. I pray that those people will find a friend or family member who will listen because it is not only their life that is affected.

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Years ago, in Miami, a family lost their daughter. She was abused and left at a dump. The news media talked to the parents. They said, " We know where our daughter is. We forgive the fella who did this. We are praying for his salvation. An innocent man was brutally killed. Before he died, He said, " Forgive them, Father, for they don't know what their doing."

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You amaze me Sean! Your description is perfect!! You certainly make me think and remember my blessings ❤️

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This thankful list is amazingly wonderful…..many items here would make the top of my list too…pets, chocolate, music ….gnarled trees- oh my! Many times I have pulled over and stopped my car to reflect over each curved limb- the Creator’s work, hanging moss and sometimes part of a canopy….usually I photograph these beautiful trees. The blessing of cancer survivors!!!! 🙏 Charlotte’s Web! This creative work was the first book I cried over while reading …..it was in 3rd grade with the teacher who inspired me to become a future teacher. Like you, dear writer, there are family and friends for whom I’ll ever be grateful. Certainly faith and our Father offer the support needed for this life’s journey. Praying for Daniel …… for healing, comfort and love beyond all measure. May he know how much he is loved and valued! There is purpose for each of us and a Guide who will lead us.

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My teacher told my friend and I we would never amount to anything. She was mistaken.

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I had a guidance counselor tell me the same thing. I thank God that I did not listen to her.

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My guidance counselor was always drunk. The dean of Palm Beach Jr College called 6 of us, combat vets to her office. She announced, "The GI bill is no longer paying for your education. Get the hell off my campus!" Yrs later, I realize, she was lying. Oh well. At least she didn't spit on us.

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Holy cow!! That’s really a kick in the face. I am glad she didn’t spit on you. I came home in civies so that didn’t happen to me. Thank you for your service! I did my time in the 1960’s. Then in the middle 70’s I was looking for a part time job and found out I was eligible to join the Army Reserve even though I was older and wound up with 22 years and being able to get some benefits that helped later in life to care for my wife. I was her only caregiver for 13 years and the last 3 & 1/2 years she didn’t walk or talk. She’s been in Heaven now for 11 months.

Your experience must have been devastating!!! I cannot imagine hearing those words! Sorry to ramble on. God bless you!

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I took a night flight in dress greens from Ft. Lewis. 10 yrs later I read in the paper that vets could get a tax break on their homes. I wet to the court house and asked the E-7 for the forms. He asked me where I served. When I told him, He said I didn't deserve a break . I just went back when he was not there and got the forms. Now you Sir! I'm sorry, you worked for a living. Randy we shall get together maybe under a shade tree by the river and swap stories. I just celebrated my 50th anniversary. I also look after my wife but she's Irish. I'm sure God is pleased with your sacrificing for your bride.. You'll be rewarded. I'll be the guy knocking at your mansion door so I can shake your hand.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Matt, thanks… I look forward to shaking your hand! My bride and I had 54 years and 4 months to the day. We celebrated our Wedding night at a little steak and seafood place in Fayetteville just outside of Ft. Bragg (I don’t know what it’s called now).

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And all the little boys said amen.

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Beyond beautiful Sean! May this help Danial in a way that only that voice inside us can helps us!

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There are so many reasons to be grateful. If every day was a good day how would you know?

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It doesn’t feel like it now but if you’re seeking that still small Voice you are at a greater advantage than your peers. Sure there’s intellect but Wisdom is far greater. See how He’s taught Sean who’s endured to encourage and serve others. Imagine making a living doing that!

It’s true, it’s gratitude for the small things we often overlook that create happiness. Sean berates his intelligence but he is wise and a balm to his fellow man. A terrible tragedy can plant you exactly where you’re needed. One day at a time, you will get there too.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

~ Philippians 4:8

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We love you Daniel we love you Sean

And love to all

Pass it on


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Thank you for being an inspiration to Daniel, if he will only believe.

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