And the best part of being an uncle or aunt or grandparent is that you get to enjoy the escapades of those rambunctious little rascals that you love, and then send them home!

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Truer words were never spoken! In her later years, my mother used to smile and say, "Now I understand why God gives children to the young!"

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That’s what I’ve always said!

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And Penny, what were your favorite aunt and uncle’s names that you loved to stay overnight with???

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Well, John, we were rarely "farmed out" to aunts and uncles, but I will tell you the aunt I did NOT like at all after staying one night with her. Her name was Aunt Agnes and she accused my brother and me of stealing her son's comic books, when we had definitely brought our own to read before bedtime. And we were by no means rambunctious rascals! :-)

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Yes those slick backed comics were an important media to many of us in the early 60’s. I certainly wish I knew the story of what happened to my stacks in the back of my closet. No one left to ask as of 2019. An accusation as by your aunt Agnes would have really hurt. Sorry….

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Middle 50's for me. Sorry your comics disappeared. "Stuff" has a way of doing that! I have some well-read Donald Duck comics if you're interested! (Ha! Ha!)

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Kids are good to have around. They’re great reminders of how we’re supposed to love, and how much we are loved - even when you hear how the bathroom towel just isn’t working.

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I have a 6 year old and twin 5 year olds. This sounds a lot like my life! Exhausting yes! But magical in its own chaotic way. (Lots of prayer and wine help)

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Holy moly!

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Are we havin’ fun yet?? You betcha’ when there’s a kid or two or three around. The more the merrier! Bundles of energy, with plenty to spare. If only they would share some to offset our exhaustion!

So enjoy them to the max while they are young and you are able. The day will come soon enough when you look back and wonder when did they grow up?

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And when did they become these obnoxious teenagers with glazed expressions because ear buds are stuck in their ears. Maybe, after the Revolution is done, they'll make a law that you have to be at least 16 before they're allowed a cell!

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Ahhh, yes, the troubled teenage years! That’s when the pure fun changes from sweet and innocent to very challenging and full of drama.

I also blame cell phones, along with computers…they are robbing our youth of all that really matters in their young lives. God Help Us🙏

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My parents blamed The Beatles.

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"I an the Walrus!" REVOLUTION. I loved the Beatles. John was a great singer and writer but seemed like his thinking went a little off the rails in his latter years...


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He never got to have “latter” years. Died too young.

He was a pretty deep thinker.


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I have five granddaughters from my three children. Unfortunately, they all live some distance away from my husband and me. I love it when they visit…it’s the parents that are the problem. When it’s just us and the girls, there is peace, harmony and enjoyment. The moment the parents walk in, chaos erupts. The girls can stay as long as they want, only three days for the adults. Lol

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Yes! Consider my ❤️ melted! Children truly

are gifts from God. Thanks for the reminder 💕


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Oh, to have half the energy that a young child has!

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What a sweet story and even though your nieces are full of energy they are also so full of love and joy and I can tell how much they love you and Jamie what beautiful little sweet girls and thank you for sharing them with us my dear friend and many blessings to you and your family 🙏

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I'm exhausted just reading this! (Even my grans are grown.) Enjoy while you can. Soon enough they'll be obnoxious teens who treat you like a doddering fool who knows nothing. It will take another 10 yrs before you can actually have a conversation.

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My granddaughter is tween and “holy moly” at the attitude but it changes every few minute to hugs & I love you so I’ve learned to count my many blessings& name them one by one… that way the blessings outnumbered the attitude.

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Aw! If we’d just let kids rule the world for a day…Imagine the fun and laughter! I was at my granddaughters dance recital last night and the little girls were the cutest, happiest, most uninhibited, so fun to watch!!

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A full house of fun…..with two active nieces presenting lively entertainment! The table has turned…Sean, you are no longer the entertainer…..sounds like y’all are enjoying every minute! Your blessings arrived in double measure…..feels good to read a story filled with much family warmth!

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I agree. It’s a story filled with warm & fuzzy

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It is a rare honor to be the “cool” aunt and uncle. So great your sister has given you that opportunity. Hate that my siblings didn’t travel when their kids were joy monsters. But now we’re grandparents, making up for lost time.

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Another wonderful start to my day, sean...thank you! i have a 5 yr old grandson that is enamored with my computer, too. he too will type; n;kfdajgiurge77iasd, mmm./,;EGHKEDFNK as many times as he can get away with. the game for us is that then i must pronounce and/or read what he has typed. the silliness and laughter that follows is priceless! ❤️ nothing like having a 5 yr old in your life!

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This just melts my heart Sean! I am 80 years old and have five grown grandchildren and two great grandchildren. We were born on the farm and we raised the all the kids on the farm. It is a blessing to have family near your heart and soul.

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I understand every.single.word.

Children are precious so we let them be the children God created!!!

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Sean, I can tell by your writing that you absolutely adore your nieces, along with their fever pitched energy. I like to recall those times with my grandchildren as the whirling dervish years. Oh how I treasure them ❤️

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Gayle, he's just relieved he can send them home. Nice to see them coming....AND GOING. LOL

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