May those who are not yet affected by disaster remember to pray for those who are.

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In your name, Jesus, may every single person find the help they need. A catastrophe of biblical proportions, true; yet we serve a mighty God, and nothing is impossible for Him.

Jesus, we beg you to help, please. Thank you for doing all that is in your might. AMEN

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God makes His office at the end of the rope. It took ten plagues to change Pharoh's mind.

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Some of the people at church supper and choir practice on Wednesday night were very critical of those who chose not to take a chance in unknown weather. Not many hurricanes come to Atlanta. Others were panicky. One lady was spreading misinformation: “it’s already a category 5 in Atlanta!” (We’re in Duluth). Until you’ve lived through Camille, Frederick or Heaven forbid! Katrina , do not laugh at a coming hurricane around me!! On the other hand, there’s nothing to compare with the sound of chain saws and seeing the Asplundh trucks, or the beautiful cool, dry, sunshiny day after these housewreckers have blown through. Nothing compares to the power of weather. If you don’t believe in God, you will

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Ellouise you speak the words of Truth ...having lived a lifetime of experiencing and surviving these natural disaters...thank you for sharing them. However the sad reality is that there are still those people who refuse to listen or heed the voices of people like yourself and professionals who KNOW what potential s exist for them and their loved ones...and yet they still are the same ones who put all the first responders and all the emergency personnel all the maintenace and utility workers and Red Cross volunteres and oh so many more ...too many to count...lives in danger because of their poor choices. When are we going to start remembering that it is NOT about 'Me' but "WE'???

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You can't fix stupid. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

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If you have lived there your whole life … you’re used to the storms… they would rather wait it out with their pets, or live stock. They are there for their neighbors to help if… say… their chicken house’s roof blows off and go to help save the chicken from drowning or dying… their neighbors here by the community phone call chain… they come and help before any one can ask for help! That’s one reason that they stay! Their farms are there lives and they will wait out the storm… and pray! I know… I know… I lived in northeastern NC and witnessed such an outpouring of help from neighbors that the owners were so thankful for!

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People need to listen to the stories! Years ago in Hertford NC, a Hurricane came across the Albemarle Sound and down the Perquimans River and blew a very large tree down onto a house. The house had multiple floors. There was an old man waiting out the storm in his home. The man was sitting in his easy chair watching Tv. As I said a very tall tree was blown down and the tree as it fell crashed through all three floors of the house and landed right beside the man in his easy chair! True story. The man must have been hard of hearing to not hear the tree crashing through all three floors of his house!

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Well said. I remember Donna and Andrew.

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In Jesus’s name, Amen. 🙏🙏

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And when 2 or more agree ,You will answere. Well ,there are Way more than 2 asking ,so stay tuned for miracles! Yeshau cannot lie. He is from His Father . The next article ,I hope will be the miracles that have taken place . AMEN AND AMEN

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Amen, that was going to be part of my comment to Sean. And now that we know there are atleast 2 of us we ask you God please Help AA those who need your miracles torecover from this terrible storm.

In Jesus name i pray for all who are in need of your protection. Thank you God

Thank you

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A friend of mine called me the other day and asked if the hurricane going to hit us. She said she appreciated the prayers for her grandson. She knows I don't pray for things, but her grandson is about six weeks old and needs to get healthy before he could receive a new heart and when she asked, I started praying, off and on, on a daily basis. Her group was going to pray for me, but I told her not to worry about me but continue for her grandson. She said, "too bad we are here for you also". The hurricane got close but moved east just a little and I missed the hard wind and just got the rain. Our lights never flickered and stayed on. I told her this morning we were fine and to thank her group. She also told me her grandson was doing great. She texts me a picture of him with tubes coming out everywhere he still had a smile. She did say they had been praying for the families that were going to be affected by the hurricane. It is nice to know that there are groups out there that are doing what they can to help.

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Yes, God did intervene for you no matter if you asked Him to or not. With the the prayers of her group and the help of God’s Burly Angels 😇 the storm was moved to the East of your location with it’s High winds, you didn’t lose power, another God thing!

No offense to you Paul… but when God’s people pray things change whether we give God the credit or not!

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God’s Burly Angels! 😄Love that!

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Must be Scottish angels.

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And all God’s people said Amen.

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Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

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Lord, please be with everyone waiting to be rescued, keep them safe, and bring help to them soon. God, bless each and every person affected by this storm and surround them with Your love, protection, and angels. Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones. Amen🙏

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Praying. We know you hear our words and our hearts Father. Make a way where there seems to be no way. Save and comfort. Strengthen the rescuers as they labor.

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Thank you for this prayer. It is a good pattern for specific requests. Sometimes we need to hear another's prayet to formulate our own. Praying for all who have been touched by this storm in any way.

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Amen Sean! Prayers for all who are affected by this devastating storm!

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We here in my little house (myself and granddaughter) are so blessed! We had a huge tree fall INCHES from the corner of our house! Now look at me, and tell me that God isn’t working, strengthening, saving lives this very minute! Just look up and say “That was you, Lord, wasn’t it?”. He is with us through these terrible storms, this I know! ❤️

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Amen sister!

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Lord God, Jehovah,Father, Yahweh Protector, like the disciples who were caught in their tiny boat in the midst of a mighty storm, we come together to seek Your help.

We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger.

We feel helpless and small before the great power of this perilous time, a power which is beyond our control. We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger.

While everything seems dark and dangerous, we place our trust in You, our Lord and God.

Blessed are you, Lord, God of mercy, who through your Son gave us a marvelous example of charity and the great commandment of love for one another. Send down your blessings on these your servants, who so generously devote themselves to helping others. Grant them courage when they are afraid, wisdom when they must make quick decisions, strength when they are weary, and compassion in all their work. When the alarm sounds and they are called to aid both friend and stranger, let them faithfully serve you in their neighbor.

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Beautiful prayer Steven!

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Amen! Steven!

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24 hours ago yes, all hell broke loose here in Sarasota ~ God spared my home & neighborhood…..I’m so grateful, I don’t have the words ~ Praise Jesus.☦️

But I just came from my sisters home on Siesta Key ~ dear God, the devastation on the island is beyond my words. I am in a total state of shock. Her home got 3 feet of water ~ it’s a total disaster….

Please everyone, say a prayer for all homeowners on the Key….they need it now , more than ever. We will get thru this …. 😢

Thank you 💝

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Prayers- you got it! I wondered how you got through your first hurricane…..(I think that’s right or maybe it’s your second?) Thankful you and your sister are safe!

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Hope you saw my reply…thanks Cindy 💝

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I am praying for the folks in Taylor County who got hit badly. I live in FL and our neighborhood has several trees down and clean up will take awhile.This is a beautiful prayer. I forwarded it to several friends. Thank You.

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