Sean, I can tell your heart is heavy. A part of your world is hurting & you want someone to tell you everything is going to be OK.

You could sure use a Becca hug so hurry back & get one. I am sure she will give more than just one to her best buddy.

“He’s got the whole world in His hands” 🫶

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This one made me cry, Sean.

My Mom was an awesome comforter. When she didn’t have the words she would just gently stroke my hair, and eventually I’d feel better. My tears are for me, because my Mom passed two years ago and I sure do miss her, especially when I’m down. However my tears are even more for my grown sons whom I love dearly, who are bound to need my comfort in future years when I’m gone on to heaven, and I won’t be there for them. And now I know how they’ll feel, and it breaks my heart.

They’ll be okay, though. After all you and I know that the words to that song are true.

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God‘s timing is perfect… And I sure needed to be reminded of my mother’s love… I lost my mom almost a year ago… And I’m now trying to help my daughter as she is alone with her daughter. Our relationship is strained and I just want to love her like I did when she was little… Like my mom did when I was little. To have her crawl up in my lap and give her a hug and tell her everything‘s going to be all right… You reminded me of what made me feel loved and comforted… And I pray I can instill that and renew that relationship with my daughter… And help my granddaughter feel that everything’s going to be all right as well! Thanks Dr Sean!

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I miss my Momma soooo much!!! 💕

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Me, too, Lisa! 😔 At times, I'll find myself reaching for the phone to share something with my mom and it stops me short. She's been gone 23 yrs now. But then I realize what I was wanting to tell her about, she would have enjoyed hearing and that makes me smile. It's so bittersweet, and that's ok. ❤️

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Tell her anyway. She's probably listening from above! After all, everyone who is a mother still worries about her grownup kids.

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Oh, Mam, I do. Her and dad, all the time. ❤️

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And if you listen really hard, you can hear them talking to you, too. My dad was a strong, quiet man, an accountant. But sometimes, especially when I'm struggling with numbers in my business, I will, all of a sudden, figure it out, and I'm sure it's him telling me what to do.

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Yes, I recall my parents teachings and advice from back when. I was fortunate enough to have good parents.

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I, too, was fortunate to have very good parents, and I thank God daily for that blessing.

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Thank you for sharing!!! 💕

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I miss my mom too, Lisa. She was the one who held our family together. She’s been in heaven almost 4 years. Peace 🕊️ to you.

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Ahh Sean- know you are my daily therapy. And- it’s free! I so look forward to reading your wonderful stories😊thank you for making me smile- a lot!

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Yes, He DOES have the whole world in His Hands...and it's going to be ok. Thanks for the reminder!❤️

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Either Sean is a mind reader, or we are all going through the same emotional trials. My mother made me Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup and gave me Ginger Ale of Coca-Cola. Sometimes she made milk toast or Cream of Wheat. My mother didn't sing to me when I was sick, but she comforted me with words and actions. I had forgotten about her singing until I read Sean's column. I remember her singing "Rock of Ages, Singing in the Rain," and an old Welsh lullaby "All through the night.". At Christmas, she would sing "Oh Holy Night, Deck the Halls", and other Christmas hymns. She loved Christmas and hung the silver ice cycles one at a time to space them just right on the Christmas tree. She had a beautiful soprano voice and could have been a professional singer. She was asked to sing solos in church when she was two years old. Thanks, Sean for bringing back happy memories for me. My mother died in 1989 at age 81.

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I would never tell mom I was sick. She kept a bottle of caster oil to cure sickness.

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Thankfully, I was never given castor oil. When I needed cleaning out, my mother gave me Syrup of Pepsin. Almost everybody I know was given castor oil as children or if they were lucky Black Draught which doesn't taste bad.

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Oh, how much we rely on the words of Mama's song being true. We must rely on God and allow Him to cuddle us in his spiritual comforting arms. I've tried lately to become more aware of not only the BIG things that He takes care of to keep me and mine safe, but also the tiny, little almost inconsequential things that he takes care of when we are internally crying for help.

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Yes, Seaner, I do remember my mom's chicken soup back on sick days when I was in grade school. It was so comforting. She was a school teacher herself, but whenever I was sick, she would call in a sub for her so she could be home with me. I remember THAT also. ❤️

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Every thing you say is true but what gets us through life IS "IN GOD WE TRUST !!" Nothing else !

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Hopefully we have earned His trust. I was in combat, expected to die for my captain. When I got out. I joined God's army. My captain died for me!

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Yes "Everything is gonna.be alright" because He has the whole world in his hands!

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Thank you! If you only knew how timely this message is to me and my siblings. This one and the last one. Just thank you Sean! I’m so sorry we will miss you in Ohio tomorrow evening. I will be by my mom’s side! We will find you soon in Santa Rosa! Just Thank You, a lot!

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…….I struggled to get a 2.0 average in my major

( biology)!

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I just want to comfort my momma right now ♥️

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Sharon, remind me where she is?

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She’s in Indiana.

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Sharon, I guess I meant in relation to you, and hopefully in her own home.

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Susie, she’s 14 hours away from me. She lives with my sister and BIL and has just been placed on hospice. They are currently restricting my communication with her, will not allow me to stay at their house when I come to see her (even though she pays $1800/month to live there), and will not allow hospice to talk to me. She wanted me to bring her home, to Florida, but they wouldn’t allow her to leave.

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Without knowing any of the circumstances, Sharon, all I can say is I am so, so sorry. That sounds like a very sad situation, for all involved, regardless of why.

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My granddaughter turned 14. I told her, " When you get older and leave home someday, just remember to invite me over sometime. Oh papa, she replied, you never need and invitation to come see me!

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Well, there ‘ya go! Remember to knock on her door, and often❣️ That invitation is 14k 🌟

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Sharon, I am so sorry you are not able to be with your mom. That must be very painful for you. I hope that your sister will have a change of heart. I can't imagine why anyone would want to prevent someone from being with their parent when they are close to the end of their life. I will keep you in my prayers.

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