My heart cannot take it!!!💔💔💔

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Yes! Sean writes too well. I was in that shelter with those dogs the whole time. I felt the longing and the fear and the rejection. This one ended happily but I can’t handle more. ☹️

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All my dogs are adopted. I’m reaching, no I’m not, I’m at an age that when I lose my old dog—she’s almost 14 now, that my next dog will be an old one. It’s hard to think I might outlive them because who would take them? Maybe if that happens a Jace will come along.

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There is no greater animal love than a rescued dog. We rescued “Jack” at one year old from an abusive owner. He lived to be 14 and a day didn’t go by that he didn’t come up to me with a nuzzle. I’d pat him on the head and say, “You’re home Jack, and you’re never going back to that hellhole”. I’ve had dogs for most of my 79 years and a more humble dog could not be found. I miss him. ❤️

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That brought tears to my eyes, but they were happy tears. Yay!! So glad this elder dog found a new home. ❤️

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Oh Sean, I was there. I could see it play out….but I was afraid it wasn’t going to end this way.

Thank you for the ending you and Jace picked! ☺️

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God bless you Jace!!!💕💕💕

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God Bless all of the big hearted Rescue Warriors.

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Adopt an older dog. They appreciate you more.

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darn it Sean. We have had two dogs over the years we have adopted who were not puppies or young: one was 5 and the best dog in the world!! We only had him for 5 years. Buddy-we adopted him in January of 2023; found out he was older than they advertised. But his journey to us was priceless: I saw him as I scrolled by a rescue group I follow. He looked just like our previous dog. I said to my husband we have to rescue him. In one day I had filled out the form, was approved and a day later he was flown by Pilots n Paws from Victorville CA (he was in Apple Valley which is a bad place as so many dogs are euthanized) to Santa Rosa near where we live. HIs owner had died and he was over 7 years old and not in good health probably closer to 10 years old. Our vet said heat will be his enemy and by August of last year (we had him for 6 1/2 months exactly) we had to say goodbye. The part that gets me is once he was asleep his face totally melted into what he would have looked like had he been completely pain-free. We loved Buddy like all of our dogs. I miss him even now. Thank you for the story with a happy ending!

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I wish I could write a response worthy of your incredibly wonderful post today,but honestly,I am just crying too hard.

Thank you

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Oh damn, you got me.

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Can’t tell you how thankful I was to get to the happy ending before my heart caved in!

On this hurricane night I needed a happily ever after!

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Me too, Cindy. My heart was also breaking. Thank you Sean, for the happy ending.

Prayers for your safety, Cindy. I don’t know hurricanes like I know tornadoes. May God keep you from harm🙏

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Thank you….no power….howling Halloween sounding wind!

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Praying you’re ok down there Cindy!

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Thank you! Most around me have lost power….expected….

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Thanks, Sean. Sad but true. We are in a crisis in this country; there are way more animals than people can adopt. There is too much reproduction and not enough spayed or neutered animals. The bottom line is that there are not enough responsible animal owners. In many ways, the older dogs are lucky they've had a longer life. At least they had a chance.

Good 'ol Rip—Jace might not be able to teach that old dog new tricks—but he'll have a great companion for a few years.

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Hard to tell who saved who. Better to know they found each other and will share unconditional love between a little boy and his new best friend.

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Coincidences do not happen.. Rip was met to be saved by Jace. God love them both.

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Saved by Jace. Hmmm. Sound familiar?

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February 2023 I was looking to adopt a dog and specifically was looking for an older, "unadoptable" one. I found Gus, a deaf 9 year old yellow Lab. Such a sweet heart. Kidney failure took him from us this July. The older ones are the best.

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