Beautiful inspiration today, thank you!

Part of your column reminds me of The Thread Project. One of our local authors, Sue Monk Kidd, promoted a friend’s project to collect threads from around the world and weave them into beautiful tapestries.

Her motto was, “some say we are hanging by a thread-I say a thread is all we need” My father had just died and I sent a thread from the bathrobe we wore. I was teaching at the time and a student lost his father in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. His mom brought in a shoelace of his dad’s. These tapestries were woven in places all over the world and have been a traveling exhibit for the past 20 years. The threads of our lives do become a part of something bigger and more beautiful than anything we could ever imagine!

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What a wonderful thing to do helping to cope with grief

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Sean, you are living proof that tests and grades and graduating from ANY school does not necessarily make a learned man. More beautiful words than these have never been written to describe "Life Itself!"

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Yes. You will get through this. Not much tougher than losing your high school sweetheart at 47, left alone to finish raising a 17 year old daughter, with no idea where to turn. Turn it over to God. In church I met a childless 47 year old widow that my daughter absolutely adored and the rest is history. This was almost 30 years ago and my life is exactly where God intended it to be. Retired, happy, two grands, and that 17 year old daughter now 47 and happily married. I’m blessed! 😇

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As I said in my post. HE seams to have us all figured out. Everything happens in God's time. You are truly blessed.

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So appreciate your Spiritual Blessings. But, STILL waiting to hear about Becca, and how she is doing this morning!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Thank you, Sean. That hit the spot. I've been having problems it seems everywhere and with everything in my life. Add to that this hideous heat wave that has made me feel even worse than my usual physical ailments, and I was feeling a lot like what you described in your column. Sometimes it helps for someone to simply offer you a cup of cold water on a hot day to bring relief. That is what your column did today, it was a cup of cold water to lighten the struggles of another difficult day.

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OMG!! That was absolutely beautiful! Thank you Sean for being you.

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Hey, Maria, do you have any relatives from Andalusia, AL?

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My husband’s family was originally from there.

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Cool. My bro-in-law is a Mancil from There. I believe his dad's name was Hugh, but I could be wrong.

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Sean, how anyone could not see that you a Christ-follower is beyond my comprehension!!! You’re spot on buddy, and saying what the church needs to be reminding people especially in these unsettling times. Go in peace, my brother, and may all their eyes be opened to the truth of Jesus!!!❤️🙏❤️

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You do realize that there are many faiths other than that of J. Christ in this country, right? And that there is no mention of “God,” “Jesus,” in the US Constitution, whatsoever? And that there is strict separation of church and state in that founding document?

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Rose, I was referring to the fact that some readers write Sean that he couldn’t possibly be a Christian because he drinks beer, plays music at bars, etc. I do realize that there are many religions or faiths in America, but Christianity is the only one that teaches God loves you and He is with you and will never leave you., like Sean was talking about in his post. Not knocking any religion or separation of church and state, sweet friend, just agreeing with Sean that he is speaking words we all need to hear.

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Thank you, but the “God” of Christianity is consistently depicted as being just as wrathful as that of any other religion by virtually every Southern Baptist preacher. How else do you get so many people on a leash, like sheep, following an avatar, rather than following an inherent, unmovable sense of integrity and ethics within themselves?

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Just for clarity, there is no mention of the separation of church and state in the Constitution. Please reread Amendment I. The government is not to establish a religion as THE religion for the country. And people are free to peaceably voice their beliefs.

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You are quite right from a strictly concrete sense that the 1st Amendment does not literally state that the “church and state should be kept separate,” but in fact it states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion….” It was Thomas Jefferson that said “When the American people adopted the establishment clause of the First Amendment, they built a wall of separation between church and state.” So, a Founding Father said there was “separation of church and state.”I guess that’s not good enough for you? Interesting, how theocrats who wish to twist the US Constitution to suit their purposes, become so extraordinarily concrete-brained in their reading of it.

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I really needed this reminder today Sean. Thank you. How's Becca? Been praying for her.

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Thank you it was my life in a nutshell. My mom has unexpected news from the doctor. We are all very sad! We are all a mess. This puts it all in perspective!

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Prayers for her and your family.

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Thank you so much! It’s been a really bad week- it can only go up from here!

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Sean….beautiful! That was God’s voice orating. Definitely brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for your writing, always🌺

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ALWAYS heartened at your column, Sean ... thanks for this today as I wait news on a friend who is nearing eternity after a battle with colon cancer. A favorite from Corrie ten Boom--who knew suffering exceedingly firsthand: https://3gigglygirlsathome.wordpress.com/2015/11/17/the-weaving-poem-shared-by-corrie-ten-boom/ Thanks for what you write!

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Thank you for sharing that poem. Corrie-Ten-Boom was my wife’s hero… and is also a hero for my daughter. She had such an amazing and incredible life.

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Your spirit has Angel Wings my friend.

You are fluttering around touching lives all around the world as well as those closest to you.

Always remember He always has Becca in His loving arms.

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In addition to all of the wonderfully personal, insightful, sensitive, and tender loving comments thus far, I have to say that there is no perfect life, because if it were, it would not be real.

Secondly, I knew as soon as Sean looked in his Mama’s sewing basket and saw the cloth of “thread vomit”, it was going to be her embroidery on the other side…a work of art…guided by The Great Artist Himself ✝️

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Why not The Great Artist Herself. Frankly, no higher power is likely to have genitalia, male or female, nor XX or XY genes.

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Complete and utter NONSENSE.

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Sorry to be challenging male Theocracy. The US Constitution makes no mention of “God,” “J.Christ,” whatsoever, and as a woman, I truly resent all the overwhelmingly male privilege afforded in this society. I really don’t want to live in Iran, ruled by Mullah’s, or any other theocracy, do you?

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He's always there.

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Thinking about Becca

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Right! It's not an opinion - it's a fact, Jack! Sean, I've said it before, but here goes again: You never went to Seminary, but you would have made a great preacherman, man. I pray that your message today has uplifted someone who is in desperate need. We are all in some kind of need, but some far greater than others. Preach on, Brutha!

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