Thanks Sean! I remember Flight 93, as well as the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes and a lot of emotion. You see, I was born and raised in New York City, so 9/11 is a day I will never forget! In addition to my NYC roots, I also have a degree from Auburn University in Alabama. The first American killed in combat after 9/11 was a fellow AU graduate - Johnny Mike Spann. Remember 9/11. Remember all the Americans who died trying to save others - including those brave people on Flight 93. Remember Johnny Mike Spann, and the other American servicemen who died in the aftermath of 9/11

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War Eagle to you and Johhny Mike Spann.

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War Eagle to you! I really appreciate your thoughts.

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Hitting the “Like” button was so hard to do! Not because I didn’t “Like” the writing. I cried, reliving that day is so hard even for me here in Canada. No I didn’t know anyone that died that day, but I did have to deal with the aftermath for several weeks. I was in the travel business and the entire industry changed that day.

For those we lost on board each plane, we cry! For those working in the buildings, we cry! For the fire, police, ambulance crews that rushed into help people and didn’t survive, we cry! For the service animals who worked tirelessly to find the living and the perished, and have all finished their tour of duty, we say thank you for your service, we cry.

For the few that survived we pray and must continue supporting them. For family members of those lost we pray and must continue supporting them.

For Veterans Day / Remembrance Day we wear a Poppy in support of those fallen saving our FREEDOM. We need to pay tribute to those of 9/11 as well

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Amen to all of your post!!!!!

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Never anything but awe at their humanity and courage - that plane was heading toward Washington DC to kill hundreds more people. Heroes. These people did not go gently - they changed the course of that plane in an act of sacrifice.

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Yep, in the words of 32 yr old Todd Beamer on Flight 93. "Let's roll", as they stormed the plane's cabin.

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Surely goodness and mercy were with them. There was none from the perpetrators. One day, one day such things will come to an end.

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Makes me cry every time I read something about them or see the poor souls throwing themselves out of the burning high rise. Those people on Flight 93 will forever be remembered as heroes. It was a black day in American history and I hope and pray that nothing like that ever happens again. God bless those folks.

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Jean, I saw this on 60 minutes, I believe it was last Sunday. Scott Pelley was interviewing survivors, firemen, families of lost loved ones of 9/11. What they went through and the sorrow they still feel simply brought me to tears......once again. We must never forget and do all we can to keep our democracy safe from both foreign AND domestic Trumpism....... I mean terrorism.

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Not the time or place for politics.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

Thank you for this powerful reminder Sean -of this moment in history that changed the world forever as we knew it. History is essentail ....so we NEVER forget about all of those who sacrificed the ultimate price BUT also to remind us to NEVER repeat it. Humans have so many powerful emotions and thoughts that run the gammut from creating beauty and joy and peace to mass destruction and fear and war. We were so united and passion filled as a whole country during the days , weeks, months and years that follwed after these tragic events............how did we loose our way to where we are today? May we use our tears and our sorrow and fear and anger to embolden us to rise like the phoenix out of the ashes of dispair to soar to new heights never dreamed before and feel the strenght of community and common bonds that unite our hearts and minds and souls once again like those days....this is my prayer every night as I lay my head upon my pillow. May I be the best person I can be and can I change just one persons life today. You CAN start a fire with just 1 spark!! Let us unite our sparks into a roaring flame that will burn bright not only for tomorrow - but for ALL of our generations now and those in the future. Submitted by a proud US Army veteran

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Well said, Steven. Thank you for your insight and your service!

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Thank you, Steven, for this true and moving post.

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A day heroes were made.

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Indeed, Bel, indeed. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I visited the Flight 93 site in Pennsylvania a couple of weeks later. There was nothing to see in the field. But we all stood their looking; each to his own thoughts. There were chicken-wire "walls" with messages attached to them. Pictures of loved ones. People walked around and tried to read all of them. Voices were subdued as would be in a sacred space. I will never forget it. I will never forget the bravery of the crew and passengers. God bless and keep them. They fought evil, and won.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

You put it on a personal level like no one else can.

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May we never forget these brave men and women. 🙏

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Since I read Sean’s story today using my phone I will have to go clean the dried tears which cover the glass. Since I finished reading a little bit ago I haven’t been able to do anything but be still & humbly pray for everyone who became a victim of these senseless acts. 🙏🏼

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I forgot to say there were many heroes on that day. Firemen risking their lives to try and save people. Many firemen and policemen lost their lives too. God give them rest and peace.

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I remember every moment of my morning routine and most of the details following that day. I remember watching the scene over and over in shock and disbelief. My seniors in high school—class of 2002– as young adults experienced one of the most horrible events in their history. Tomorrow I will share, as I do every year, that experience with this year’s seniors. I will never forget.

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Why did you make me bawl, Sean!? Yes, the 41 are definitely with God in heaven. And they were not the only brave ones that day. The firefighters and police in New York City, and those who were at the Pentagon that fateful day. Not to mention the dogs that you have talked about, Sean, that searched for survivors at the Twin towers. It was a terrible day in our history!

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And never forgotten as the rest in the arms of the Lord. Thank you, Sean.

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And the terrorist are burning eternally. And people were once again united one nation under God. Lord hears our prayers. Amen.

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God forgive me, a terrible sinner, because Jesus told us not to hate our enemies, yet I so want that low-life scum to be in the lake of fire forever, and God said that He would repay with His own vengeance.

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