Having severed in combat in Vietnam I know personally many who laid down their lives and we honor on this occasion. I returned home but as I boarded to leave for combat I felt that I would give my life for my country. I was certain that I would die there and never see my family or my beloved America again. Sacrifice I understand though I did not pay the ultimate price I share the grief and guilt of being spared when those by my side did not. Freedom is not free. We honor our brave departed souls on this Memorial Day.

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Thank you Chet……for your story and especially your sacrificial service for all of us!!!!! God bless!!!

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Thank you for your service and thank God for keeping you safe .🙏

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Whoever has attended a fallen soldier's funeral will understand the importance of Memorial Day. It's not a happy day but one of solemn stillness.

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🙏 🙏 Amen.🙏🙏

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Memorial Day is special to all veterans and the families of veterans. Today I was corrected that in my publication I wrote that Memorial Day honors veterans who died in service and following service. A master gunnery sergeant said the day memorializes those who died in service. I changed it. Monday, I will attend the remembrance of veterans. Every year, a veteran reads a list of those who died the previous year in our small community. The same Marine Sgt. who takes part in the honor guard for many to all of the funerals for veterans that are buried at our national cemetery and other cemeteries around the region, told me there have been many this year. It's always a solemn occasion. We must honor them with our remembering their sacrifice for our freedoms!

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Our thanks for all that they gave. Many died. Many more were injured. They did it because it was required of them. They did it because they believed in freedom, fairness, and justice. They did it out of loyalty to the others who served with them. They did it for things bigger than themselves. Let us not forget that, especially as we prepare to elect those who will lead us and will have the responsibility of making decisions that will effect the lives of many others who may one day lie alongside them.

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Thank you for the reminder. It’s not a happy day, but it should be spent being thankful for those who gave so much, so that we have the freedom we have today.

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So important to remember those who served, wherever their service, however they passed.

Recalling these were men with families, with mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, sons, and fathers and brothers and friends. People who loved them, and who they left to go.

Not shirking, with courage despite knowing they might lose their lives.

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I always remember Pvt Ryan's mom.

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My dad was on the Team that went to retrieve Pvt Ryan! It dawned on his memory while watching the movie a couple of decades ago.

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Hats off to your dad!

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Heroes one and all!

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Unimaginable. Yet that scene expressed everything.

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Thank you for reminding everyone not to say “Happy” Memorial Day. For the hundreds of thousands Gold Star Families, it is not a happy day.

Tomorrow I will join hundreds of others, placing flags on the graves of our fallen heroes at the National Cemetery in Bourne, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Over 78,000 people are interred there. I will be sure that there is a flag placed in front of the Memory Wall with my great uncle’s name. His ship was hit during WWll and his body was never recovered. I have been told that my great-grandmother was never the same.

When all the flags are placed, I will stop to send prayers of thanks for the heros who lived and died for our freedom.

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We lost an uncle at sea as well…..I will he joining you in prayers…..thank you for the flags you will leave at the gravesites….

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War, huh, yeah

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, uhh

War, huh, yeah

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing

Say it again, y'all

War, huh (good God)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, listen to me, oh

War, I despise

'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives

War means tears to thousands of mother's eyes

When their sons go off to fight

And lose their lives

I said, war, huh (good God, y'all)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, just say it again

War (whoa), huh (oh Lord)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, listen to me

It ain't nothing but a heart-breaker

(War) Friend only to The Undertaker

Oh, war it's an enemy to all mankind

The thought of war blows my mind

War has caused unrest

Within the younger generation

Induction then destruction

Who wants to die? Oh

War, huh (good God y'all)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing

Say it, say it, say it

War (uh-huh), huh (yeah, huh)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, listen to me

It ain't nothing but a heart-breaker

(War) It's got one friend that's The Undertaker

Oh, war, has shattered many a young man's dreams

Made him disabled, bitter and mean

Life is much too short and precious

To spend fighting wars each day

War can't give life

It can only take it away, oh

War, huh (good God y'all)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, say it again

War (whoa), huh (oh Lord)

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, listen to me

It ain't nothing but a heart breaker

(War) Friend only to The Undertaker, woo

Peace, love and understanding, tell me

Is there no place for them today?

They say we must fight to keep our freedom

But Lord knows there's got to be a better way, oh

War, huh (God y'all)

What is it good for? You tell me (nothing)

Say it, say it, say it, say it

War (good God), huh (now, huh)

What is it good for?

Stand up and shout it (nothing)

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I like that Sean, a meangful Memorial Day!

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May 25·edited May 25

Thank you for the reminder of what Memorial Day is all about. Our son has been in the Army for about 25 years and has lost many friends through the years. It is an emotional day for so many families. We appreciate you, Sean. Have a meaningful Memorial Day as we will too!

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My husband, a Vietnam war veteran, wishes people would not say “thank you for your service” on Memorial Day. That phrase should be saved for Veterans Day, November 11. Memorial Day is for those men and women who did not receive the joy of returning home.

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Those numbers make my soul cold. Thank you for always remembering and honoring, Sean.

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A meaningful Memorial Day to all. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I have neighbors that shoot fireworks at Memorial Day. They no not what they do.

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Someone visiting our small town was asking on Facebook where the fireworks would be! ???

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I heard fireworks advertised during the Braves game radio show.

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Wow! She is right. We celebrating the hell they went through to give us freedom. God bless them all. The real Heroes. 🙏🏻

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Ayep - why do men have to fight to the death ? And yet, as long as there is evil in this world, there seems to be little choice to preserve our way of life.

Thank you.

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