Holy catfish, that's scary! However, no danged AI is ever going to replace your writing Sean, with its incredible amount of heart and soul. 💗

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Hi Sean, I share your AI sentiment. There’s nothing less refreshing than talking to an AI machine in customer service. It’s like some sort of undeserved punishment. There’s nothing to like. There’s no warmth. There’s no mental illness comprehension or grammatical errors. If you don’t count not understanding or zero compassion as an error. Machines will never replace a human being. We’re just not as smart as God. And we’re way, way off base if we think we are. For those that adore AI… Loving a machine is a one way relationship with an emotionless narcissist. “Where’s the Tylenol!!!”

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AI has already been used in some counseling sessions. I’ve heard some people actually prefer it because they think there’s no worry about a breach of confidentiality, and there’s no embarrassment about confiding something to someone else. Soon we’ll have our AI devices sitting next to each other talking by Bluetooth. All they’ll need us for is to be taken out for a walk to recharge batteries and pick up the poop or the printout.

When it comes to holding someone’s hand, cradling a baby in your arms, making a friend over a couple of beers on the back porch, reading a story someone has put their soul into writing, or touching someone’s heart, only someone genuinely human can do that.

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I get the sense that AI is considered to be more "aware" that a computer. It's interactive, but it's just a big encyclopedia, another computer. Garbage in, garbage out. The issue has been the bias of the programmers. So far everyone commenting on using various AI sources complains that it's Leftist bias in it's responses is a drawback and can't be overcome without reprogramming it. (Ask it something political.) Other than a new toy, I can't see the point.

Sean, you are irreplaceable, and so is your writing.

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Well Pone, when you mandate $20/hr minimum wage @ da hamburger joint you gone be seeing a lot more of dese Bots- dey don't smoke, come in late, take a break, complain, play on dere cell phones, etc. Folks need to be careful what dey wish for. I'll keep you in the "RI" category- real intelligence. "Dey pave paradise, and put up a parking lot!"

Write On Brother!

Pubert Earle

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What used to be science fiction is now real life. Beam me up, Scottie.

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Please keep writing, Sean. Your authenticity was not mimicked successfully by Mr Artificial Copycat.

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Lord, have mercy.

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Read your Bible, it’s gonna get way worse before it gets better. But we, as Christians, knew this was coming. I just never thought it would be during my lifetime! God bless us all with an early departure for the heavenly realm. Amen.🙌🏻✝️

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No CRAP!! We are screwed !!

Make it stop

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I am a retired computer programmer (retired many years ago in the early 1990s) and the last class I attended (more like a TED talk) was on AI. I have tried to read more and more about AI and where it's going and I am fascinated. I may be crazy but I think AI is a great thing and will have more good than bad results. It's no different than the internet as far as having some good ... and some bad things ... associated with it.

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My jury's still out on AI. The ol' country boy in me says, "If it looks like a snake, crawls like a snake, and hisses like a snake, don't pick it up until you know what kind of snake it is."

'Course, I was like that with microwave ovens many years ago. My intelligent spouse said we should get a microwave, but I resisted mightily, saying, "no. that's just a passing fad, like hula hoops, slinkies, and Edsels. Then, after she won the battle and we bought a miccy-wave, I learned couldn't live without it. "Smartest idea I ever had!" I told her.

BTW, AI did not write this. Nothing intelligent about it!

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The fools are the folks who read the AI stuff and believe it to be good. And another thing, until they get Waffle House restaurants in airports, I refuse to fly. I will remain on the open road. (Comment written by a real person.)

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If that was an example of AI’s abilities, do not abandon us Sean. Please continue to give us real heart and soul through your stories.

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I'm old school, and will continue to follow the real Sean, not some AI bot! I logged into Facebook today to see if photos of a friend's first grandbaby had been posted yet. When I went to the search bar some sort of AI thing popped up and there seemed to be no way to get rid of it, so I just closed the app and waited til I got home.

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THAT is hilarious! I loved it!. Sadly, AI is being pushed into our lives at an alarming rate. It still has a long way to go as most of the time it doesn't understand a Southern accent. After me asking to speak to a human agent for about 15 minutes with it saying it didn't understand, I let loose with a string of words that would make a sailor blush and slammed the phone down. By the way, AI doesn't understand cuss words either. LOL

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