He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

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Good urn BM!


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Pray for me please


Tom Jr

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Hi Tom Jr,

I pray that whatever’s troubling you, gives you strength. I’ve experienced troubles that did just that… became a strengthening blessing. It’s not a small miracle when we receive love… it’s what heals us.



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Lots of folks are praying for you today, Tom. We’ll still be praying for you tomorrow as well. ❤️❤️❤️

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Me too, Ed. I tend to kick and scream (figuratively) and then, finally accept the trials. That’s when the healing begins. Thank you for the reminder.

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God, please bless and support Tom Johnson Jr. Amen. 🌾

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Prayer sent. God bless!

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Done. The Lord be with you and grant you His Peace.

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Tom, God bless you and keep you, shine His face on you and be gracious to you, lift His face to you and give you His peace. Not as the world gives. Shalom. Wholeness. ☀️

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Brother, that's God knockin at your door. Don't wait! Just let Him in. He said," It will be easy. His burden is light. You'll forever be glad you did.

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I will, Tom.

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Prayers lifted for you, Tom 🙏❤️

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Yes, Tom, praying for you.

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Dear Tom, I’m praying that whatever it is you are facing, you’ll find a way to get through it and even in the thick of it you will find strength you didn’t know you had. Better times are ahead for you if you can just get through this. I’m praying you will.

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Pastor Lovette was a true Christian, not a Christian in name only.

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He certainly walked the walk, didn’t he?

Taking in the stranger, feeding and clothing him.

Not judging him.

Leading by example.

Truly a Christian.

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He did indeed.

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Another wonderful story about the goodness and good people in this world. Thanks, Sean, it warms my heart to read stories like this. God bless brother Dan.

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Tear worthy.

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"Inasmuch as ye have done it for the least of these, ye have done it for me." Matthew 25: 40-45

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Pretty great thing when somebody decides to take you in, believe in you, have you belong.

Grace comes in all kinds of packages. And it can sure change things

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Amen to that!

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Just a profoundly beautiful story. Made my night. Thank you Sean, your stories are always so heartfelt.

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Great story , touched my heart as usual..I'm sure there are hundreds of Dans out there that need a brother and someone to care .

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Pone, just goes to show "Many are called, But few are chosen" That's called living it, brother! These stories cut to the chase- no Bravo Sierra! Gracias!

Yor amigo,

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I will be honest I cried! Such a marvelous story!

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Tearing up. This gives me hope we’ll get to that place.

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Love this story and love you Sean! You know just how to tell a story full of love with just a dash of mystery thrown in to season the tale!

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Seasons the story……that’s great! And true!

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I love that when I’m feeling despair, I read a story of Hope from Sean of the South.

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A story of hope fills the heart!

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Brings to mind the prayer of St. Francis—

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

These are the actions which change lives: peace, love, pardon, faith, hope, light, joy, consolation, understanding, giving, loving, pardoning, dying. Lord, make us instruments of your peace.

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