My mother was one of those people . One lady drove out from the city to buy her $1200

Pinto station wagon. She really needed that car but only had about $650 or whatever. So my Mom said great, and sold it for less. A learning disabled my brother knew needed over $ 1000 in dental work, so Mom quietly arranged it. Another tired lady needed a bed, so my mom gave her the bed and also bedding! My Mom lived to be 101 and died this year.

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God bless your Mom… she sure sounds like she was a wonderful lady. I’m sure you miss her.

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You were very blessed

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I did something similar. I used to drive a rural mail route in Arkansas, as a matter of fact I retired from the post office. My route was 102 miles of mostly gravel roads and I ran it six days a week. I was driving a Dodge D50 and when it had about 230,000 hard miles, I decided to buy my wife a new car and take hers. I was at a little league ball game and asked some of my friends if they needed a farm truck, but I got no takers. A few days went by and one of the little league dads asked about the truck and that he needed one to drive back and forth to work. I told him the transmission slipped a little going into second. He asked what I wanted, and I told him $500. He asked if I could wait till, he got his tax refund, and I told him sure. I told him to drive it a week and if he didn't want it to bring it back. The next week he paid me the money. The place where he worked gave him a promotion and a raise after a year. He told me he decided to buy something newer. I asked what he did with the dodge. He said there was a young man riding a bike to work and he gave it to him. He told him the transmission slips a little going into second, but it was a pretty good truck. Sometime when you get a break just pass it on.

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When i moved to Georgia I was working in the shipping office at a warehouse. We had a big board with the doors printed on it. I put WPS in the upper left corner. When a driver would spot the letters they would ask what it meant. Everyone would say they didn’t know because they didn’t. Most of the employees didn’t know where it came from. When I moved from the shipping office to customer service I erased it. You either know or you don’t. WPS

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I think you have written about this before. It sure blessed your friend for the old man to give him that old truck. There are good people and I am so glad you focus on them instead of all the bad ones. We hear enough about all of them in the news!

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Goodness is all around us if we look and listen. There is a guy I know who took in a blind dog that had been abused by somebody claiming to be human. That same guy and his wife became godparents to a young girl who is blind. He also goes around and puts his books in little libraries. He is a good man. I like to read his stories every day because he is always looking for the good people and shares their stories with his readers.

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Yes, I'm familiar with that guy! And I love him so SO much!!!💞💞💞

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Thank you. Well said.

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Thank you. Many, many thanks. You and your wisdom are gifts to all of us.

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I was at the lawyer’s office in Juno Beach with the man and his wife who owned the house for sale. It was 1987 and we were trying to outrun bankruptcy. I had offered to rent their house with an option to buy. I was a man in need, and the owner knew some of my story. His wife said that they really needed to sell, not rent. The lawyer said that given my financial situation, his advice was not to rent me the house. The owner looked me in the eyes as he thought about it. It seemed like an eternity before he spoke. Then he said, I’m renting him the house. I can not remember ever before being so overwhelmed by such kindness, nor a time I had felt more desperate. That act of kindness changed my life forever.

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That dear man’s name was Bob Keeler.

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Just when you think there’s no hope, someone puts keys in your hand. Thanks for this reminder.

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$800 to the Beautiful Woman! Beautiful, as usual, Sean, and a much needed reminder of human kindness in these horrible times of sick cruelty.

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Thank you. I needed this one. Lately, people have truly seemed crazy. I’ve even started my own conspiracy theories, such as, “The solar flare makes people meaner.” I spent two hours on the phone with customer service for a product the other day, partly because the first guy I talked to basically gas-lighted me into thinking he was going to call me back when he got an answer from his supervisor. Never did. After I called back 3xs, one nice lady got the issue solved for me. Then, I was behind someone with a bumper sticker that read… well… it’s just not appropriate. And I thought- why the heck does someone need to display their ignorance and horridness so badly that they plaster it on their car?? Anyway- I’m glad to now have another story to play in my head- worth way more than $800!!

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It was a good one when I read it a while back. It's still a good one. Any of us can have some terrible thing happen, and then we come across somebody who turns out to be more honest and generous than what you can ever expect. Graciousness like that can bring a different kind of tears to your eyes.

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It's like watching "Hogans Heros". I have seen them over and over again, but I still enjoy them

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For some reason substack won’t let me “like” your comment or any others for that fact. But I enjoyed your comment about “Hogan’s Heros”. I can watch them over and over and still enjoy them. 👍

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Love is all around us, but sometimes we have to look for it by being the ones giving out the love. It doesn't just happen! We have to encourage it somehow by being open to it, as well as open to offering it. I'm happy your pal got the truck, and for the old guy who gave it to him. You were being your pal's pal and offering him the ride. You obviously ooze love for everyone. You're a good man, Sean!

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Sean, I so hope you are right. I really want you to win that bet. But there’s a piece of me that thinks the people who think the world is in the outhouse may be right. Lived on this planet for 80 years and have never seen it like this. I know. I sound like an old guy. I know.

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I’m 84 and agree with you. Thankfully, I belong to another Kingdom, and know where I am spending eternity. That is my hope for you as well.

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I’m 74 and I have never seen it like this before, either. Are we all going to be having to live in the outhouse come November?

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Gee whiz, y'all. Back in 1860 they started shooting at each other. It ain't that bad.

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Only if the dementia’d one is voted back in.

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Actually, it was always like this. Just now, they think they can get away with it. Don't worry. They're about to learn they can't, and it's gonna be Biblical.

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I sure needed to read this today. Thank you. ♥️

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The dear old man with the truck; I wonder about his backstory. Where did he learn such selflessness? Has your friend fondly remembered this gracious man and repeated kindness? His offspring who hadn’t entered the world yet when he was gifted the truck; has he taught him/her the value of compassion? I venture a yes to all the above.

This was the legacy of the members Greatest Generation I was fortunate to know. We need to rediscover our heritage, at least in that manner.

The deeper the darkness, the brighter even the smallest light shines.

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Only one word I have for this story and your sentiments: LOVE.

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Good reminder to see our real priorities and take full advantage of engaging them as they present themselves to us. We are changed when we do! Thank you Sean for that prompt!

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