Like Church of Christ, or Sullen Baptists, or certain Presbyterian folks, some will have their own room in heaven where they're assured they are the only ones there. I'm inclined to think heaven isn't a destination as much as it's a way or an attitude of living with each other here and now. That probably means it matters more what we do and how we treat each other than the words we use. In the end, there's probably more of it that's up to God anyway. So, why worry about it? Read some more Gary Larson. Try drawing some cartoons. Treat each other a little better. Do the best you can. Ask for some help to do it better. Enjoy a cool beverage on the back porch with someone you enjoy. And leave the rest up to God.

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You do it evertime LB! Most excellent. Funny how so many folks knows what God thinks or requires...

Pubert Earle

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Isn’t it a hoot, Pubert, how many people believe they know the mind of God?

They must be so *special* to be in that inner circle. LOL

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Also, Sy, a lot of times it's the people who think god is on their side who are capable of the most cruelty.

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Yes, Sy Anne: They are the privileged ones who know the mind of God.

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I have been a member of the church of Christ most of my life, and I can assure you, we do not believe we are the only ones going to Heaven. Sad that we are misunderstood by so many people who know nothing about us.

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My apologies. I should've noted that I was teasing. I could've picked on my own denomination or any other $50 or higher one that's too much to make change. It's an old joke that whichever denomination seems to be slightly exclusive is said to have a room to themselves as St. Peter tells people to walk by quietly so they won't know there's anyone else besides them in heaven. That wasn't very loving of me to make it seem like I was picking on you. I guess that's what makes Sean a more gooder riter then me.

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Hi Lander, Say, isn’t that a Toyota? Anyway, I only have two cents but I’m betting on you for a rosy win at heaven’s gate ❤️

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Nope. It is the belief of Jesus and the resurrection of said man/God. If you don’t believe you will be cast out and separated from God and that is, in fact, hell. Because God is love and without love you are lost…forever.🔥🔥🔥🙌🏻✝️

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Never said I don't believe. I agree with you, God is love. That makes a difference how you love other people and what you do and say that is loving. We might not agree on other things, and that's okay by me.

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Hang on to what gives you peace. Hang on to what helps you to love and uplift others along with yourself.

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You're on it today Eddie!


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M Drake, I don't fear hell at all. Most likely, because I don't believe in it. Or heaven for that matter.

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Thanks, M. Drake, for your inerrant knowledge about where we’re going and how God loves or doesn’t love. With love no one is lost.

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Brian, I have never seen anyone in this group who is less Christlike than M Drake.

I’ve been the victim of her total disregard of any religious belief other than her own.

In fact, she blatantly attacked my religion!

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Sy Anne, I’m in total agreement with you. Never have I seen a more anti-Christian.

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I'm assuming Sean wrote most of the questions. Otherwise it would have been difficult to get questions/answers/comebacks/more answers, etc. But perhaps there's a back channel for communication before it makes it to us.

As for the question, though, of who goes to heaven...if you're a member of a religion that believes we go to heaven, there are a few problems. First off, almost all religions seem to tell their flock that theirs is the only true religion and the rest are doomed. They try to bully people into something they call faith, and in their own particular versions of it. This is inherently contradictory. If God only lets in, say, Southern Baptists, that means that heaven will never have an overpopulation problem. Plenty of parking spaces everywhere. And since cars in hell won't work, parking's not an issue there either.

As far as harps go, the standard is that in heaven, you're issued a harp and a tuning key. In hell, you're issued a harp.

Best way to look at this appears on about page 6 of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's book, Good Omens: "God does not play dice with the universe. Rather what He plays is more like a complex and obscure form of poker, played on blank cards in a pitch black room for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time."

In other words, if God is malevolent, we're screwed anyway. If He's not, He gets to choose the criteria for admission. If He wants us to know THE right religion, He'll tell us. So far, I haven't gotten a memo about this. If He wants me to know, he knows where I am. What I ~don't~ buy is that other people know or that their interpretation is the only right one. I'm happy they feel that comfortable about the matter, but best they keep it to themselves.

I could go on, but I'll bore people. [Yes, I know: too late.]

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God can and will answer your questions, if you let Him. "My sheep know my voice"

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Hang on to what gives you peace. Hang on to what helps you to love and uplift others along with yourself.

Whatever feeling we get when we contemplate God stems from our own personal collection of experiences. No one else but us knows exactly what that is. When we share our beliefs we are broadcasting our experiences but not listening.

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I can’t “like” this comment enough.

I wish you *would* go on! I’m not bored!

And I agree about the people who think their interpretation of God’s wishes is the only right one. Those are the people I wish would keep their mouths shut!

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I believe what my mother told me: "We're all trying for the same place."

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

You're very flattering, Sy Anne. Thank you.

I'm Jewish, at least culturally and genetically (> 99% Ashkenazi genetically). For years after I made my bar mitzvah, I was a devout agnostic. I asked questions and my family told me to shut up and don't ask questions. Smarter people than I was believed and therefore I should, too. Needless to say, those answers were a little less than helpful.

Then, about 15 years ago, while I was operating on a patient, a miracle happened--a literal miracle. I"m not going to go into the nuts and bolts of it, but suffice it to say that something that violated physical laws happened. To me, there was only one way that could have come about, and I recognized it for what it was.

No longer agnostic.

But also no details about where to go from there. That's what convinced me that God will tell me what He wants me to know. If He wants me to practice Judaism, He'll tell me that however He chooses. If He wants me to be Lutheran, Catholic, Hindu, or whatever, I'll get t hat message. Absent something like that, I assume He's happy with me just knowing He's there--me being a practicing deist. Good enough for me.

While what happened to me--and my patient--were unique and profound, I don't expect it to change anyone's mind but mine: it was along the line of a person-to-person long distance phone call. ~I~ saw and experienced it; one of my nurses was aware of it, but I don't think anyone else did. And I didn't make a big deal of it to others. God can talk with them if and when He chooses to do that.

But that then raises the question of "faith," doesn't it? My understanding of faith is that it means accepting something without evidence. That's not what I do--I'm not wired that way. Do I "believe" in God? No more than I believe I'm typing on a computer right now. I am doing it and it's my experience. No "faith" involved. Likewise, knowing that God is present is...different from accepting it on faith.

And that's the week in sports.....

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Sy Anne, it seems like the less some people know, the more they want to broadcast it.

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That's how it seems to come out anyway, Brian.

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Sy, I think those people are unhappy and just need attention, aww.

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Too funny! As an escaped S. Baptist, I can vouch for their hubris. Getting to heaven is the least of my problems!

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Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. I get asked the question." Where do you go to church?" I have the right answer, because I looked up the word church in my Strong's concordance. It simply means, called out ones. I reply, "I am the church" They walk away.

P.S. There are over 400 Baptist denominations that disagree with each other. I was once an unsaved S. Baptist. No wonder folks are confused. I know I was.

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My name is Peggie .. I am not Edwin White. Have no clue how I am on his substack.

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My name is Edwin White and I did not make that comment either but I do like most of ther comments i have read. I do believe in Heaven however. My precious wife died two months ago after a 69 year marriage. . Now I know I have to meet her with God someday.

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My two cents thinks it’s either malfunctioning artificial intelligence or else malfunctioning malware that grabbed your Substack handle. Most likely it is a Substack software bug. But I’m just guessing. I’ve had similar experiences with Facebook. Peace out. ❤️

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My two cents thinks it’s either malfunctioning artificial intelligence or else malfunctioning malware that grabbed your Substack handle. Most likely it is a Substack software bug. But I’m just guessing. I’ve had similar experiences with Facebook. Peace out. ❤️

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I have to believe in it first, so I guess I'm not worried about it LOL

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👍, but not boring

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You’re kind.

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Joe you ate a big bowl if Wheaties this mornin...

Yo Peb

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No doubt, Pu

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Aren’t we grateful for a sense of humor! 😆😂🤣🙌

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You're fortunate to be a MUTT, Sean. Let's hear it for HYBRID VIGOR! I'm one too...DNA from all over western Europe and the British Isles. Based on my lab panel, my internist says my kidneys alone should live 20 more years, and she hopes they live a day longer than I do. My four rescue dogs are Heinz 57s...(and await their breakfast as I type.) MAY YOUR NOSE STAY COLD AND WET, SEAN, AND YOUR TAIL WAGGING FOR A LONG, LONG TIME...YOU MUTT, YOU!!!

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Fay, all evidence points to, so far, that he's a "good boy"!!

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About religion....it's not about religion. It's about relationship. God gave us Christ. Man made religion. It's about each individuals relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you believe who He was, and is, and is to come. Do you believe He came to earth as man, being was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for your sins, was buried and rose, seated on the right hand of God the Father, interceding for us, and, the most important part, is coming again! The relationship part......have you acknowledged you are a sinner, repented of your sins, and excepted Him as your Lord and Savior, and been baptized. And, that doesn't make us perfect and righteous, for God's mercies are new each morning and we need them for we will still be sinners, needing repentance for those sins till the day Christ comes again and takes us home! Only in Heaven will we be perfected in Christ and truly righteous thru Him. The Israelites are the chosen peoples. They will be in Heaven. As for the rest of us, it's not about one single race or religion, it's about relationship. Hope to see you there, God willing! I'm a sinner, saved by Grace, and I still have to work at it every day!!!!

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It’s amazing grace, and I agree with everything you’ve written above. Praise God for his guide

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I was once a sinner. He told the lady with the sin issue, Go and sin no more. I don't think He was kidding.

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Karen, your comments were right on point and well stated. See you in Heaven someday. Ed White

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I think religion and church going are a very personal thing. We only answer to one and that is God. It is unfortunate that we can’t be one church as look at the good we could do. I am Methodist but I don’t believe only Methodist go to heaven as one person said. Church going hopefully helps you deal with life because you are with fellow believers for strength but the only relationship you need to worry about is with the Lord. I share my faith with others as I can but am not nor will I ever be better than anyone else. God’s blessings for all of you🙏

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I like your positive reflection on church going……for me it is a wonderful place to refuel with like company…..not perfect…..we are all a work in progress…..

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Exactly! Thanks Cindy💕

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Hi Sean. I wonder why so many of your readers are so very concerned about your beliefs? I’ve always thought this is between God and the person, not for others to be concerned with. If you know in your heart what you believe then go for it. I’ve never had the feeling you are not a believer. I suspect it might be a case of looking for the speck in someone else’s eye.

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Right on. The word believe means to trust and obey. Someone once said," Always preach the gospel as we are commanded, and if you have to use words. Let our lights shine. Sean's light is pretty bright...Woof.

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ND I think it's his obsession with Vulcan's nekkid butt and da PBR!


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Last one… I promise… A rope walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a drink. The bartender said, “We don’t serve rope here.” So the rope walked outside and tied himself into a knot and frayed its end, then walked back inside the bar. He asked the bartender for a drink and the bartender looked at him and said, “Aren’t you the rope that was just in here.” To which the reply was, “I’m a frayed knot.”

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Hahahahaha 🤣

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Wow! Gary Larson is one of my favorite literary giants, too! Along with Sean Dietrich, of course. Thanks for allowing me to end my day with a smiley face. :-)

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Sean, I love your quick wit comebacks! They crack me up!

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Me too Pat.

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I grew up Episcopalian but am now Methodist so I look forward to a grand potluck with a cash bar . I need to figure out how to take my money with me now. God Bless !!

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OMG..I love Gary Larson….great cartoons….so smart! Remember the dog listening cartoon..all they hear is blah, blah, blah..treat. LOL..I’m like that at work! Yeah..I get it…I traveled doing compliance training for 9 years….some days…I just didn’t feel it. I told jokes, let them out early after a great lunch and got all 5’s (top score) on my evaluations. Kind of the same thing as writing Q&As…it’s all good!

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I think we are to be salt and light. maybe that's like goodness and kindness...kinda like Jesus? I know there's more to it but that's a start. See you There.

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Gary Larsen for the win!

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I hope to heavens people don’t actually ask Sean about religion and politics. Those are very personal subjects. Sadly, I bet plenty ask him questions about both subjects.

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I am sure people do because they want to claim him for their “side.”

Sean is smart enough to tread lightly.

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Yeah JC- he needs ta answer so we can either love him or hate him. Looks like dats what it comes to now!


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Now you know good and well that we’re gonna love Sean no matter what his leanings are. Lol

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