That has a nice ring to it! Thanks for the Morgan Love update! What a blessing she is. And so are you & Jamie. <3

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Reading about Morgan and Mexican food reminded me of a Mexican way up north when my wife and I were wandering up to the northeast years ago. The young lady waiting on us was on one of those knee scooters. She had a broken foot, but she needed to work so she got out table. I was curious about talking to her because she would listen to us and stare at the table for a second then write on her pad. When we would ask a question, she would look at the table then give us an answer. A young man brought out our salsa and drinks. He asked how she was doing and I told him she was doing great. He said some people get upset because she will just look at the table. He told us she had to quit her old job because she broke her foot, and she came to work at the restaurant. He looked around and told us that she stares at the table because she is translating in her mind. I told him I was impressed because I couldn't do that. The food was great along with our waitress.

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What a beautiful soul, inside and out. Thanks for writing about her. May the Lord shower Morgan with blessings.

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I believe Sean’s gift for writing such powerful articles is God given. God allows Sean to highlight true happiness in the face of obstacles that would make most of us bitter and hateful. Most of our problems are minor and we embellish them. Thanks to Sean’s articles I get reminded of this.

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Perfect observation….well said!

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Oh my goodness, it was my great good fortune to meet this lovely young lady last night. Her physical beauty is surpassed only by her inner beauty. Sean, thank you for sharing her with us.

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Thank you for reminding us… the issues in our country, in our world … hang heavy, overwhelm. And then you remind us that we are saved by the local, by the quiet, by the Dr. Loves!

Lately, when I can’t sleep at night, I repeat a prayer my father wrote for children’s chapel. “We know our God is here because He is everywhere. He calls us each by name and loves us all the same. We can go to Him in prayer and He teaches us to care.”

Your sharing helps us remember that every person is a gift! We pass these gifts on our journey every day. May we see them!

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Such a dear prayer…..

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You have heard of 1%ers? Usually the term is used in discussions of income haves and have nots. But there must be another category for 1%ers. A category like the Greatest Of All Time exceptional human beings. That’s Morgan Love’s domain. I’ll never get to meet her in person, but I am in awe of her just from what Sean has written about a woman who has been (and daily is) severely tested in every facet of her person. And yet, she is a force of life to be reckoned with.

Let each of us whisper a prayer tonight to our Creator for blessing us with living proof that life, true living, is not a status game, that it’s not the one who dies with the most toys, or fans who wins. Winners are those among us who quietly give, who, despite discomfort, reach out to gladden one more heart, who sacrifice even their modest fund of “normal” in order to train mind and body to obey their heart. Morgan, you are love incarnate. It’s a privilege to know of you. God speed.

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Beautiful reflection!

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I had an oncologist name Dr. Hope Love. 🥰 took it as a good omen. And it was! 🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻

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Morgan sounds like a wonderful girl, with great potential for helping people. She will definitely be able to understand patients' woes and will be full of empathy for them. That's sad that she is not allowed to chew. May a miracle from God cure her! Thanks, Sean, for updating us on the future Dr. Morgan Love.

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It is always such a valuable lesson in life and a blessing and joy to watch these kinds of life reaffirming people who inspire and remind us the powerful will and determination of the human spirit! Too often many of us with our cares and woe's tend to maybe see the glass as half empty....when we should be like these individuals who say 'NO' this does NOT define me or who I am. My glass is more than half fulll and I will show you and make a believer out of you! Morgan you already have earned an 'Honorary Doctorate in Resilience of the Human Spirit' thank you for being the dynamic inspirational Friend and person you are to all who are blessed to come in and out of your life and who's lives are forever changed! In reflection of your recent Mexican ice cream....i write........"Tu' eres una mujer increíble y hermosa!!! Muchos besos y gracias tambien!'

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Wow, Steven, a beautiful testimonial to our dear friend. Thank you so much.

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You are much too generous and kind dear Brother! Just tryin' to spread the Love and Joy all around there isn't enough of that in the world today. Be blessed and be healthy my Friend!

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SHE CAN DO IT!!! One of my most inspirational med school mentors was a pediatrician with cerebral palsy, adored by patients, parents and staff alike. The kids identified with him all the more because of his gait. Another - pre Salk and Sabin vaccines - ambulated with a bit of difficulty after surviving childhood polio...and was an amazing OB/Gyne. There are many rewarding specialties in which left sided paralysis is No Big Deal. YOU GO GIRL!

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I think we've "met" Morgan before. We have "carded her" from every state in the country, right?...Glad to hear Dr. Love is sharing the Love...

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That's right! We did!

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Such a great story about an extraordinary young woman. Thank you for filling us in on Morgan. She's an example for so many people, especially all the college kids around her. You and Jaime have hearts of gold full of love for so many people. We live in such negative times, but you find the simple goodness of others. Thank you for writing about them and sharing your stories.

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God bless and protect sweet Doctor Love ☘️

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"Dr. Love".....It has a lovely ring to it, does it not?!!

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I am so happy Ms. Love is out of the hospital and sharing her warmth and kindness with others. This world needs so much more love and, of course, Morgan. Bless her.

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