Some days your columns are funny. Some days they are introspective. Some days poignant. Most of your columns touch me in some way - the head, the heart, the funny bone. Thanks to you, Sean for keeping us wanting to read Sean of the South.

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My dear friend keep sharing your wonderful sense of humor and thank you for your many many stories and keep them coming and I will keep on reading 🙏

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Sean, very few people can write about pork rectums and tell us how much you love us all in the same “column” and it all “flow” like it does. That takes talent! And you’ve got it! I hope you keep on doing what you do for years to come!

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Thank YOU, Mr. D! And for the record, if the sauce with the “calamari” makes your lips pucker…

I’m just sayin’…

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Thank you for smiles and more than a few tears. Hoe is Morgan Love doing? I'm thankful you harmed no hogs!

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Yes, would love an update on her.

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Me, too! Update please.

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You are truly unique. Please don't ever stop writing!

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Next time you read a fortune cookie, you and all of your guests should play one of my favorite games. Read your fortune out load, and finish it with “in bed”.

That wasn’t chicken in bed.

This week you’ll find new ways to say thank you in bed.

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You are welcome! Thank you for your daily message which always impacts my day! You make me smile or laugh, leak a tear, shake my head, throw up my hands, curse or giggle!

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No comment but YUCK!

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Pepto-Bismol…Bring it ON🤮

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I’m puzzled at times but I never not think you aren’t sincere.

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It's better not to be where the sausage is made. It's all delicious, Thank You Pigs. p.s. I love hotdogs too. I can sing the Armor Hotdog song.

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"What kinds of kids eat Armour hot dogs?!"

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And I’ll never forget the Oscar Meyer wiener song.

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My story is similar to yours. Chinese restaurant I went to everyone in the front was Asian, but all the cooks were Hispanic. A friend of mine worked up front and she said it worked out great. Since everything was computerized the waiters would enter the order and it would come to the kitchen in Spanish and the bill would print out in English. I think she was pulling my leg, but the food was great

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Ohhhh Sean !! Only you can make these jokes. 🤣

Your column is the best. Happy anniversary.

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Scallops are usually shark (cut to look like scallops).

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In general, the lower on the hog you go, the better the taste.

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Well, geez - what a graphic!

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Sean, thankfully I don’t plan to eat real or fake calamari. I just don’t want to eat something that has eight squishy-looking arms. Also, my late, great Daddy would have told your cousin, “Don’t get romantic at the dinner table.” In other words, don’t talk about gross stuff when we’re eating. I am weak stomached like my Daddy, so I would have told your cousin that, too. Happy 10th Anniversary. And thank you for entertaining my husband Mike and me every morning for the past three years. Dr. Terry C. Ley, Professor Emeritus from Auburn University, and my favorite professor of all time, shared one of your columns with our OLLI class. I was hooked. Thanks for the laughter and tears you have given us. Here’s to your next ten years. I’m sorry this is selfish of me, but I hope you never retire. Love to you, Jamie, Becca, Marigold, Otis Campbell, and Thelma Lou.

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