I read and reread my text. My mom doesn't do text because she has a flip phone that only sends and receives calls. It doesn't take but one or two text coming back that are just ????? to make you proofread your text. Thats my story and I sticking to it.

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There are days that I envy your Mom, and miss my old flip phone.

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Reminds me of the old days when the preacher typing the church bulletin would make typos, back before computers and autocorrect. For example: Thursday Night Potluck Supper. Prayer and medication will follow.

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My secretary once had us all set to sing, “Immoral, Invisible, God Only Wise.” There was a t that was missing somewhere.

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Ha ha ha! Love it! Had potluck yesterday.

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I am known for having the phone that has strokes, and/ or day drinks a lot! I love it when my autocorrect auto-corrects right back to the wrong word and I keep on sending it!!! Its special. 💕

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

I have found I have to put the last letter on a few extra times ….let “it” accept that, even though the red or blue line appears, then go back and remove the letters before sending….oh the things one must do to outwit autocorrectttttt………

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Gonna start using this excuse! Thanks

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Happens all the time.

This one brought smiles.

Thank you, kind sir.

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I love it!!! I have laughed and laughed.

So here is my mistake. Well, one of my texting mistakes.

I was working on the upcinging church marriage retreat. A friend, who was planning to attend the retreat, asked how things were going. My reply, “Trying to get all my ducks in a row.” The word “ducks” was changed to a male body part. Oh my!!! Yes folks, the ministry assistant really did text that to a church member. LOL

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You'd think the blame program would err on the side of caution, or at least circumspection, but I swear it defaults to words that only a pornographer would use! Talk about "ghosts in the machine." How about an ex-porn star?

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Auto-correct is why I do not have great hope in A.I. I've sent so many dumb auto-corrected messages that I long since lost count. I often see it and can correct it quickly, but NOT always. I usually blame it on fumble fingers, but sometimes I point directly at that awful auto-correct! UGH!

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I hadn't thought of that, but you're right: AI is gonna be its own demise with autocorrect! (It's nothing but a dumb computerized encyclopedia anyway.)

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Oh, my gawd, Seaner, I am falling all over myself!! That was so funny. 😂

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So funny! You should take a poll for how many have had autocorrect mishaps, bet it would be a lot. I once sent an email to a business customer that started with Hell Mary, instead of Hello Mary.

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And the really frustrating, funny, cringe-worthy part of auto-correct is its propensity to substitute a word from the vocabulary of a pornographer. I swear, the program was coded by an ex-Penthouse writer with an anti-Southern Baptist obsession. (Not me! I swear!)

How is Becca doing, BTW? No complications? Hearing loss? Lots of prayers, baby girl!

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I call it auto-coerce. It coerces me into all kinds of things. Maybe I speeled it wrong. It might be auto-curse. Certainly seems to be the result, at least every now and then. Sometimes it’s good for a laugh. And that can be fun.

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These turned my tickle box over! Also, unsweetened green tea sinus flush.

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In honor of today’s column, I’m typing this on my cell phone. Its buttons are half the size of my index fingertip. I have to type way slower than my thoughts. Coffee doesn’t help matters. There are frequent long pauses while I reorganize my wacky little brain from losing track. It took me ten minutes to get this far. Then another five to correct mistakes. Retirement is a Godsend.

Sent from my cell phone 👮‍♀️

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Awesome!!! Made me laugh out loud!!! 💕

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😂😂😂😂 I've had plenty of texting mishaps too

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My flip phone doesn't auto correct. If I say something negative, I meant every word. I don't get nasty texts. I am free, living in my briar patch. I stop and smell the roses. I greet strangers in the grocery store isles. I rarely get a call anymore, but I still turn my phone off in church, just in case. and of course forget to turn it back on for days.

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Our grandson has a flip phone just like his granddaddy's'. And if people ask me if I have a smart phone, I always answer. "No, but I have smart brain." I'm a Free Spirit, especially while sitting on my front porch and waving at neighbors who pass by.

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