Good (Sweet Milk) Gravy, Sean…what a muddled mess at the airport!! A real fiasco! Something’s gotta’ change for the better, and soon! I know flying is often the best or only way to travel in a lot of cases, but SERIOUSLY❓ And don’t even get me started on the exorbitant cost of a ticket! That, plus disgraceful customer service. How much worse can it get?

The last time I flew in October ‘23, I ended up with THREE boarding passes before I finally made a connection…the manager of wheel chair transporters, after paging until she was blue in the face, finally went out on the concourse, froze all traffic, and stopped a guy on a golf cart so that I could make the last flight of the evening. She was my Angel in the Storm 😇

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If you can't love 'em…make fun of ‘em. This was great!

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Oh man!! I don’t fly anymore. Don’t want to either. I’m sorry this happened to you and Jamie and Mr. Banjo.


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I quit flying in 2014 and have managed very well.

My father taught me to love traveling the “off the beaten path” roads using a multi-folded paper map or a “Rand McNally Road Atlas”. Once in a great while my mother would insist on he order & use an AAA Road-Tic.

In the words of Edith Bunker… “Those were the days” 🚙🚗🚙🚗

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I loved the AAA maps and road-tics..or trip-tics.. I think reviewing a map before going is important….

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Totally, Carla.

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A gracious good morning and happy Monday to all yall. Sean, my bride Flys to yankeeland every year but I keep my feet on the ground. My Chevy pickup has made this run 6 times and I enjoy the ride. I drive it straight with stops for fuel, sustenance and even a nap. Hey! It works for me. In a month I'll load up the truck with tools,paint ect and head north. Yall can keep the airport. Yall have a splendiferous day and ...


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I picked up my grandson last week from Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson and spent several hours observing the other passengers. The current attire seems to be robes, slippers, lingerie and bathing suit tops?! My 12 yr old grandson said “that group must be going straight to the beach!” What is happening???

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Some (many) Americans have just become slobs because it's accepted now. It's true what they say..... what one generation tolerates, the next one accepts. We have gone so far downhill. Facelis descensus averno.

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Castigat ridendo mores ;) Well, that, and dressing up not down.

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Iris, yep, just point and laugh. That way, everybody's happy. They get the attention they're craving and we get a good laugh at their expense. Hahahaha 😂😂 Another priceless Latin phrase!! 👍

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I agree Carol, wardrobes have gotten out of hand. My wife used to drop me off and pick me up at the airport in Atlanta but now I drive to Arkansas to see my mom, it is easier. It is a lot less hassle and it is a little less than eight hours. The older I get the more I feel a need to stop and start the next day.

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I approach US domestic flights the same way I approach gas station sushi - avoid unless all other options have been exhausted. Seriously, I’d rather drive eight hours to my destination than spend those same eight in the airport-plane-airport cycle. Glad you at least got some apology money 💰

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As I just happen to be flying out to Washington state this Wed, with Delta, (hopefully) this scares the crap out of me! The last few weeks the evening news has been reporting airplanes dropping 500 feet , ducktailing and falling apart. Thanks Sean! I promise that I'll be thinking of you, your wife, and your banjo as I board the plane. Hopefully!

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There's a shortage of pilots due the covid experiment. Many quit and ones that got the shot can't pass the physical due to heart problems. Don't worry the government is easing the physical requirements. The government is running the air traffic controllers. They are over worked and short staffed. It's still safer than the ride to the airport.

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Stop with the crazy conspiracy theories.

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Exactly, Sy Anne. There was NEVER a Covid “experiment.” It was a real pandemic, and made worse by those who refused to admit it or to take adequate precautions against it. I lost two close friends in the pandemic.

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I lost my son. He was killed/murdered on the sidewalk. His death certificate reads. Death due to covid. Tell me about the pandemic and I'll tell you the one about goldilocks and the 3 bears.

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Murder is a crime. It’s not swept under the rug and labeled Covid.

My husband died a week before the world shut down in March 2020. His death certificate reads “multiple sclerosis.”

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No need to tell us a fairytale.

You already did.

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Airlines...these days they hold everyone hostage to whatever they call "customer service". 😒

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Don’t just pick on the airlines. Seems everything that used to work smoothly in the good ole USA has gone to hell in a hand basket. I’m just saying what we all know to be the case.

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Yes, and it started back in the early '80s.

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Waited for hours once while the airline carefully considered whether it would be safe to fly a plane that had been struck by lightning on the way in. They eventually decided it wasn’t, after there were no other flights to transfer to. Stuck in Manchester. To get out before the next night I had to catch a bus to Boston and sleep in an upright chair until morning. You can’t complain about the customer care. There isn’t any.

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Oh how I love this! You said the truth so nicely, sad thing is nothing will change!

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Damn, this is rough. I hate airports.

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You and your Missus went beyond the call today. You showed great patience and Christian forgiveness. And, based on our long friendship, I am confident that you also both showed yourselves to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent, even if you were not wearing your Scouting Tenderfoot badges. But enough is enough! It is time to call a #D*ltajihad. And, yes, I am calling for WMDs. When this happens next, and you know it will, break out your accordion and let'r rip. Play an uplifting, protest tune that the other 300 angry passengers can join in. I'm thinking Why Don't We Do It in the Road. Or In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. And if #Delta has still not capitulated, and agreed to actually fly you where you want to go, start 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, with accordion, banjo and squalls from your Missus. It didn't have to come to this. But when a snotty steward, and we all know the type, shouts "Fine, I don't care what you do!" there is no other course of action that is appropriate. My God have mercy on Delta's soul. If they still have one.

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Be Prepared!

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It’s truly impressive how airlines honor their customers and strive to win the loyalty of their ticket holders.

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I was at the ticket counter. The person in front of me, probably from NY, was mean to the agent. I told the agent, I'm sorry you had to go through that. She replied, That's OK He's going to London, and his luggage is going to Sidney. Another time, the lady, probably from NY fussed over seating. I told the agent. Please seat me anywhere you like. He handed me a first class seat with my economy ticket...

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What’s that old saying about honey and vinegar? Not to imply that you were seeking an upgrade, but I’m glad your niceness was rewarded💝

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I will always drive unless there's a large body of water to be crossed - even then, I'd be tempted!

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That is SO me!

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I worked for many years with a great guy who would not fly. Drove everywhere. When asked if he would consider a trip to Europe or Asia, he replied, "After they build bridges to them."

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Long Road Trips....ah, sweet memories of lots of them.....

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I cruise to Europe.

Then fly back to the USA (reluctantly).

Love it.

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My dear friend I’m so sorry for all this chaos you are going through and once again you are making it through no matter what and that you didn’t lose your sense of humor sometimes even through difficult situations it’s just good to laugh and keep moving forward you are a great example of this never change who you are 🙏

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