Poor Myra/Judith. Imagine going through life with so little joy. As a religious Jew who reads the Bible (what we call Torah, what Christians call the "Old Testament") every single day -- in the original Hebrew-- I can promise her that nowhere in there does G-d say, "Thou shalt be joyless and are accursed if you ever watch SpongeBob Squarepants." It always has amused me greatly that those who bang the bible the loudest never seem to bother opening it. Judith/Myra, if you are reading this, while you are busy "quoting" the Good Book, take a page from it and remember to "Judge not, lest ye be judged." (Translated into Hebrew, M/J, that means, "Mind your own damn business.")

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I just read this morning that some biologists named a newly identified sponge in Borneo, Spongiform squarepantsii. At first there was some resistance. Then they said, "We're scientists. We discovered it. We can name it what we want to." That's funny. The cartoon is funny. SpongeBob makes people laugh. To a certain crowd that probably makes him the antichrist. That's funny. And now, you prob'ly ought to take five minutes to fold the laundry. You can do it while you watch SpongeBob.

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You are NOT the Antichrist. You are the best big brother EVER!!!

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Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

SpongeBob SquarePants!

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he

SpongeBob SquarePants! 🤣

Now that’s imaginative and funny!

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

~Proverbs 17:22

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Sean, related to the Antichrist and another recent post about Dairy Queen…. Last night after work I went through the drive thru at The Dairy Queen (my grandma always put THE in front as though it was part of the name) and ordered a steak finger basket and a chicken tender basket. The total was $26.66 so I rooted around in the bottom of my purse for $6.66 since my 20 dollar bill wasn’t adequate to the task. Arriving at the window I handed the young man $27.00 and he gave me my change… $3.01. I know kids have a difficult time making change, but this was way off the 34 cents I expected. His explanation… I didn’t like those last three numbers so I gave you a discount. Only in the south. ❤️

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As a retired pastor let me say, people like the person who wrote you are dumber than five bricks!

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I know nothing about SpongeBob whoever. My kids, I think, were grown by then. I had no desire to look at it. Maybe we didn't even have TV. We haven't had TV for much of our lives. It's wonderful not having a TV, but I digress. I'm thankful that you were there for your sister and that you still love one another and get together as often as you can. And that the show and the movie made you laugh. Laughter and joy are very important in our lives! And I agree with David Feder that a joyless life is not what God wants us to lead. In fact, I suspect that He laughs a lot at our mere human actions!

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So, now we have “banning movies & tv shows,” moving on from books! I’ve always believed that we should strive to develop the art of thinking for one’s self! Sean, you handled the situation with your sister very well! Congratulations!

PS - You’re definitely not the Anti-Christ!

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Wow, what a whammy. No TV where we lived in darkest Africa as kids, but we watched movies, listened to radio stories, read fairy tales, boys own type stories and all grew up balanced and with integrity. My own kids and grandkids also grew up on TV cartoons, stories etc and no one in jail or gone crazy yet. Let kids be kids and enjoy what little time they have to be innocent. Here’s one for the over righteous. Quoting from a message from unknown. “ If God did not send Christ into the world to condemn the world I very much doubt that God sent you to do it.” Nuff said

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Antichrist? You? Sean? Really?

Now SpongeBob SquarePants is not a favorite of mine but liking it because it is a special memory for you and your sister does not make you the Antichrist! Taking a younger sibling to the movies is a true memory maker…….like taking my little brother to see Jaws in Ft. Walton Beach in a theatre with a mural of the shark on the side! We didn’t laugh hard but we screamed so hard we both had marks on our arms!

I would NOT drive over the bridge to eat a Lum’s afterwards! I just love how your stories help me revisit my life’s journey!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Pride and hypocrisy are bedfellows, encouraged and instigated by the enemy. Once people yield to these sins, they rarely realize how they offend God or their fellow man. They are fault finders… toward everything and everyone except themselves. It makes them feel safe and set apart but entirely in the wrong way. Pharisees.

Today being critical, finding an offense is almost a virtue. It’s purely the bait of satan. Critical thinking skills are essential to our reasoning. But fault finding in others is anything but virtuous. Humility evaporates along with our witness.

Matthew 7:5 reveals that fault-finders focus on everyone’s faults but their own and won’t hesitate to point them out. In my experience, they will criticize but rarely compliment. Jesus experienced them and everyone who lives for Him will experience them.

Pride. It is the original and worst of the seven deadly sins. It’s what makes us susceptible to the enemy and all other sins. Its opposite is humility, which Christ embodies perfectly.

The antichrist will be the ultimate embodiment of what it means to be against Christ. In the end times, a man will arise to oppose Christ and His followers more than anyone else in history. The antichrist will seek world domination and will attempt to destroy all followers of Jesus Christ and the nation of Israel.

This is serious stuff. As Jesus said, “Do not strain for gnats and meanwhile swallow a camel.”

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Good response! I have never watched it myself but laughter is important. Personally I didn’t see you encouraging anyone to watch it. You just told the story. Geez

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Some people, like “Myra” need to get a life. I’m glad you are able to see crap like that and come back with humor. Big hugs and much love. Continue spreading your joy. We all need it.

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Where do these people come from?! I guess I actually feel sorry for them. They have probably never watched the show. It’s very creative. I’m in your corner Sean.

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Some people thrive on taking the joy out of life, don’t they?

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Judith needs more prunes in her diet……

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