If more of us would B. Love, we'd make quite a difference in the world - from Pigeon Forge to Pittsburgh and Portland. Just a matter of spreading some joy and sharing some love.

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I love this story!! Why is it so obvious, and yet so many don't think the way this man does? Be more like B Love!!! Start right now!

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I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. B Love.

Let’s all talk & not stare at our screens… except to check with the one & only Sean Dietrich 💕

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We never know what a difference we can make in this world of ours until we dare ourselves to be just like B.Love! We simply don’t laugh enough anymore…thank you Sean, you have reminded me to B. Love, give a compliment, say “good morning” and just laugh at myself a little bit more. 💗

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Sean I hope you sent Mr. Love here so we all can give him a big ole group (((hug)))

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I talk to strangers. It works sometimes….sometimes it doesn’t. But I still do it.

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So do I, and it really fun when it does work, isn't it? I've always said I can talk to almost anyone even when they don't want to talk to me or anyone else! But if they really don't want to, i give up and leave them alone, and go find someone else to chat with.

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Well now I’m in love with him.

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What a story my dear friend we need more people like you and B.love in this world 🙏

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Amen. We should all B. Love.

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Wow! An encounter with goodness

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Anyone who can get a whole bus full of people to put down their cell phones and interact with each other is a hero in my book! A whole lotta love ♥️♥️♥️

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One of your best! B.Love is a real hero!

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Sean are you sure you two ain't related ?

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Good one.

And yes, laughter best medicine.

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Another angel on earth. ♥️

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Ever since Jackie DeShannon first sang “What the World Needs Now” in 1965, the world still needs love. And now more than ever. Such a message is timeless.

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