Something tells me that little girl would have been just as kind to a complete stranger. She knows compassion and kindness first hand. ❤️❤️❤️

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How totally sweet! A worried grandpa being taking care of by his loving granddaughter. She's going to grow into a wonderful, caring lady! May all kids grow up like this! Thanks for the wonderfully endearing essay, Sean. We do appreciate your stories!

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You said it all.

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Awww I took care of my Dad when he was old. Every time I changed my clothes, I was a different person to him. (In the morning in our Jammie’s I was the lady who came to make breakfast. Later when dressed for the day and shaving him, he would tell me the breakfast lady was ok) 🥲☕️😇💌

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Bless your heart, Carol. What a wonderfully dutiful daughter you were and always will be.

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I took care of my mom in her own home for 3 yrs while my hubby held down the fort at the farm. I'll never regret the time spent with her.

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You are so right❣️🤗

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So sweet on so many levels. I am flying my bride to visit our grandson at college this morning right after church. In many ways, I am Robert ... right down to the Merrells. And yet, I am blessed beyond measure. My sweet sister is Robert in other ways ... she doesn't know her children or grandchildren anymore. But she's still sweet. We're both fortunate to have Angelas in our lives.

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Oh, my! That's awesome! Thank you, Sean! As always, you give us beautiful insights into the lives of others—loving, caring, kind, generous, compassionate people. Goodness!

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Such patience and compassion from a child. Angela has the sense to be present for grandfather whose short term memory is slipping. To hold his hand. Angel-a, hmm.

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Indeed, Dolores. ☺️

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Loved loved this! And loved your show tonite in Tuscaloosa. Only my fifth time to have the good fortune to attend your show!! Loved the music! Your wide range of artistic talent blows my mind! Thank you for brightening our world

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Thank you, Sean. I cried.♥️

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Out of chaos comes a sweet and tender story. A life unfolds for a grandchild who is mesmerized by her dear grandfather. I never had a grandfather to talk with, sadly, I have always missed this experience. This story reminds me why. In my family circle, stories from those who knew “Bill” or “Red” are the only small window I see through to know a little about them.

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I never knew either of my grandpa's, either, Cindy. Although, my grandpa on my dad's side did hold me as an infant and said to my mom, she won't remember me.

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Awwwww……that’s dear…..he had a blessed moment to hold his granddaughter!

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And, I did, too. ❤️

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Yes 🤗

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The little square box says "Write a comment" but I could not add to the story if I wanted to. Way to go Sean.

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My first flight was to Washington D.C. when I was kid. No adult was with me. Back then there were no "phones" like people have now. People talked face-to-face with other people. And sometimes we held hands and/or stroked a back because of those conversations, Sean. Thank you for sharing this nice one with us. The nice people who talked to me during my flight helped me when I was a-scared-of-flying-alone kid.

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The confidence and wisdom of a child; let it be.😋🥰🥰

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