Oh my, I'm trying to collect my emotions. I was a respiratory therapist and worked mostly pediatrics. I burned out after a couple of years because children with cancer...well let's say I just couldn't stop seeing their little faces and hearing their voices. Children are so much braver than adults. Little Rachel had more faith in her little finger than most adults will ever have. God bless her. Thank you Sean for sharing g this.

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2 nurses from the Children's Hosp. in Miami drove 60 miles to attend Robert's funeral . 2 weeks earlier, I asked my nephew, who was 10 yrs. old. What is God saying to you? He replied, "He's gonna take me home". I couldn't spend 2 weeks and you spent 2 yrs. Wow.

And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

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These children are God's Angels. So sorry for your loss. Robert does not want you to feel sad. Big hugs

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Sean, I pray you never doubt our Lord’s calling on your life. Your ability to listen & in turn touch so many people’s lives is truly a gift from God. Thank you for your kindness to others.

And to Rachel I would say never fear what the Lord lays in front of you…He has a grand purpose for your life and He is always right by your side holding your hand in His.🙏🏼🩷

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Powerful and Beautiful, just like Sean💕

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Another sweetheart to pray for. Thank you Sean for sharing Rachel’s story. 🩷🙏🏻

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Sometimes the story finds you. Rachel, blessings on the rest of your journey. You're an inspiration.

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There are times when things are provided for us that are far beyond being explained. Thank goodness you all were able to connect. And may Rachel receive many blessings and may she be many blessings to other folks.

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Once again LB I find your words to reflect my thoughts exactly. Thank you.

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Lander has a beautiful way of.... explaining "for us things that are far beyond being explained". I love reading his comments.

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When I don't have time to read all the comments, I always scroll to LB's (and a few other regulars).

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A good and smart policy, Marcia. I shall as well. 😊👍

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Sean, you touch the hearts of so many of us with your writings. Dear God, please take good care of that precious little girl, Rachel. Wrap your loving arms around her and heal her in Jesus' name.

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There was a reason you were struggling with your next article. God was leading Rachel to you, so we you could write her story. Thank you for sharing. This has touched so many hearts. Hope you talk to her again and let her know so many people are praying for her and her family, and you. Your heart and compassion is in everything you write.

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That was my first thought!

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Oh, goodness, prayers for this lovely soul who touched heaven. How wonderful that she reached out to you, Sean. Your posts provide comfort and healing to so many in such a humble and caring way. I will keep Rachel in my prayers and hope she one day wakes up in the arms of God.

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Rachel, you are my hero. You have given me hope in a dark time. ❤️🙏🏻

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Sweet Rachel💓Another little angel reaching out to you Sean 💓God Bless you both💓

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II spent some time in Africa. They have tribes and chiefs The chief's son was confused because his tribe did not serve the same God as the Christian missionary's did, so he asked God to show him who is the true God. Well, God took him for a tour of heaven. He told his dad and was banished from the tribe. He was sleeping on the floor of his school. Some one in Minnesota arranged for him to attend Bethany Christian college in Minneapolis, which has no tuition. When he graduated, he went back to Africa to tell his people about the true God, just like you have done from your hospital bed. Thank you for sharing your story. We love you, Rachel!

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Many religions with their own God. And that's ok.

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And these gods are but sequins in the amazing garment that I call GOD. I am willing to wait for the perfect understanding to come. Meanwhile, my ministry is comfort and joy.

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Oh my. And now I will be praying for Rachel tonite. I’m 65 and facing a potentially serious health risk in the next few weeks and this 12 year old is braver than I am. What a sweetheart. God made her special.

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I'm praying for you as well as Rachel, Sherry. Hang in there.

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Thank you. Reading your comment brought tears to my eyes.

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So glad her mom is friends with your wife's cousin’s pet-sitter’s daughter’s roommate’s boyfriend’s aunt’s dad and that she was able to get your number! What a great way to start my morning! Prayers for sweet Rachel! ♥️

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Rachael, 21 years ago I was diagnosed with brain cancer. Atypical Territoidal Rabtoid Tumor ( ATRT) (sp?) the doctors said they could not do much other than make me comfortable. They gave me 3-6 months to live. I went through all the typical treatments w/ no positive results. I had 3 children in school and a wife. Everyday, for many hours, I prayed. Deep contemplative prayer. One day, After a test of my cerebral spinal fluid, to look for cancer cells, my nuero oncologist was shocked and told me I had NO cancer cells. I was cancer free. The doctors could not explain what happened of how I was cured. But I know and have no doubt that a miracle saved me. Let’s pray that God lays his healing hands upon you and restores your wellness and health. God bless you Rachael.

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If you have but the faith of a little child.

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My dear friend I’ve said this one million times but it bears repeating you truly truly are a beautiful treasure for sharing these wonderful stories and my heart goes out to this beautiful child and God will heal her because she truly has so much to live for and just know that prayers will be said for her what a precious angel she is and beautiful blessings for this child and for you also my dear friend 🙏

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