A friend of mine played for a wedding that somebody laid $100,000 out for. He found out later the couple got into a fight, wound up having their marriage annulled, and took separate flights home from their honeymoon. It’s not how much somebody pays out for a wedding, but how much they put in to their relationship that matters. There is nothing better than love

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Ouch! Talk about a waste of dough. Dats nit doun yor homework!


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Love of every sort is wonderful - romantic love, platonic love, parental love, child love, teen love, and especially God's love for all of us, and really that's all that's necessary, isn't it?

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So many talents you have, Sean. I'm quite sure Marge was right about the fact that "You did so good!" And also that you're a darlin'!

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I'm the wedding coordinator for a big fancy downtown church in Texas, and I promise the wedding I will facilitate tomorrow night won't be any better than the one you've described so perfectly. Nothing is better than love, AMEN!

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LORRI I HEAR YA MISSY! Have an :lectric waterfall o PBR! NOW PONE SEZ DATS Class!


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You and Marge are right Sean!

Nothing in this world is better than love, sweetie!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Such a sweet story—thanks, Sean. I remember the Carpenter's lovely song that begins, "We've only just begun ..." Well, you, Sheetrocker, helped to give your friend and his lovely bride a heartfelt beginning that I'm sure they've cherished and remembered forever, God willing.

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In February 1972, I fell in love at first sight! Our families came together over the next four months providing everything from the cake to the flowers and reception, nothing was provided from outside the families. Monday, 6/17, we have been married 52 years. She is my rock and I am more in love now than in 1972.

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Happy 52nd Anniversary! ♥️ Love can and does grow…..that’s a beautiful purpose in life!!!!

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In love, mankind finds his true purpose. It may feel like you’ve hopped aboard a thrilling ride. Make no mistake, you’re in the driver’s seat.

A wedding that’s not particularly impressive or idyllic ’perfection’ means the union has likely begun with humility and grace. With those two things the couple can create something quite enviable.

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You got it right, Sean. There isn’t anything better than love in this entire world, and you’re still holding to that belief.

So hold tight, and don’t ever let it go💝

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What a sweet story. I think a humble beginning gives a relationship a better chance for success. I hope those two are living the good life right now!!

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Love works when nothing else does. Love is what mends and transcends ends.

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A New Yawker hugging a Southerner and not at gunpoint? Miracles happen.

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PONE, Like old Raylan- yous officially "Certified!" Dat'll show all of heavan's deputies! You got papers!

Like my old hero Sammy Davis Jr. Used to say wid Dat huge gold chain round his neck (like Tina Beth⚡️⚡️⚡️) " Peace, Love, and Togetherness- dats whzr it's at! " RicCy and Trent told me $ dint buy love ❤️- I said "Mebe so, but you rekon I might rent a little????" You knows I'm just Joshin Pone! Yor pal,

Pubert Earle

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Love me some Raylan and love me some Seaner, Pubertini, RiccyP and this cup a Joe I’m slurping literally down in the hollow deep in that place where John Denver sang about home.

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I love me some Raylan, too.

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She threw in one extre Fer a tip Pone- Dat Linder!


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In Arkansas the last couple of days. Heading back to Georgia this afternoon.

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🙏safe travel mercies

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Have a safe trip!💕

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I’m 76 years old and never married anyone. (Not clergy)2 years ago My Grandson asks me to marry him and my soon to be new Granddaughter. I experienced ALL the things you did ( I now have a card in my wallet that says I am clergy) One of the greatest experiences in my life. Reading your experience makes me relive and put a big smile 😊 on my face!! Thanks for sharing! I have 2 children married 4 Grandchildren married and 7 Great Grandchildren not married. It think I’ll keep that card (never can tell) Paw 🐾

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I’m such a sap I’m tearing up

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