The Grace of God, indeed. And hopefully we can, with gratitude for His Grace, extend it to others… after all, we are just walking each other home ❣️🐸

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I love that thought…walking each other Home.

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Me too, that's beautiful 🤍 And I am so grateful to have discovered Sean and you all on SS to walk with along the way.

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Me too. Thank you Kathy for a thought I can ponder on today.

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That is one of my favorite quotes, by Ram Dass. I made my sister and myself walking sticks with those words on them!❤️

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Thanks for sharing the author! Didn’t know where the words came from as they have been part of my memories…

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You’re welcome!❤️

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So beautifully said.

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I am so proud of you, Sean. You have battled your way through the storm, and come to the light. You hit rock bottom, then got back up and found your way to believe in the Love and Grace of God that surrounds you. “And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)

I think I am most proud of your gratefulness to your Daddy. You now credit his suicide as the beginning of your journey that brought you to the intense love you now have. Peace be with you, dear Sean. And of course…abundant Love always.

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“It is said that in some countries trees will grow, but will bear no fruit because there is no winter there”. (John Bunyan)

Sean, you have had your share of “winters” so your tree is bearing beautiful fruit.

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Perfect choice of a quote, and very beautiful application to Sean…thank you for the image of fruit bearing trees for him.

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Your message to Sean is beautiful !

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Jan, what an awesome description !

I like it.

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Thank you, Jan!

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What a splendid occurrence I was just blessed with having stumbled upon. ...I can't think of a more perfect and precious way of responding to such a beautifully written declaration....just as his was, your words , precious and perfect , in such a magnificent way that it seemed to be your standing up to applaud, wearing your most genuine smile that shines with your eyes , with immense pride and joy spilling up , out ...it runneth over the rim of your cup.... speaking directly to that place in him where still remains that young boy, so innocent to the ways of the world , and standing right in front of the boy , holding him by borh hands is himself, aged , lived...mature, and seasoned is this man from with which that boy has come to be, where he is embraced warmly, and fittingly, by your way of perfectly responding to the parts in him that had come of age, and had managed to climb up and out, full circle , armed strong and sure, with ageless wisdom. .. i loved reading them one and then the other. It warmed my heart so...

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Sean, God bless you on this day and every day. You give us a gift every day in your heartfelt words- sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always thoughtful provoking and always from your warm, loving heart. I’ve seen you tear off a piece of yourself and share it with us, and we are always grateful for your stories and your insights.

I’m so glad that you’re okay I could dance a jig!! Praise the Lord for answered prayers, because lots of people out here love you, and pray for good things for you!!

Love you son! ❤️

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I just read this out loud to my family as we sit on the dock at the end of the street.

A heron flew over.


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The Grace of God, indeed…

Love, for sure…

And ever since I met you through your writings and then in person, I have felt your mama rose from that floor…sucked it up…and made sure Sean became the best young man she could raise on her own, in such circumstances! I have always wanted to meet her and thank her for the part she played in the gift we all have in Sean Dietrich…

Thank you, Sean’s Mom! It had to be so tough; but you did it! Bless your heart!

Millions of us are thankful, every day, for the sacrifice you made. You and God took a broken little boy and made a BIG, BIG man out of him!❤️

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Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

Helen Keller

This famous quote made me instanly think of YOU -Sean..........

'When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.

Erma Bombeck

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God bless you with your remarkable, great heart.

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Amen! Many blessings!

I have noticed a change in the way you share over the last few years! It is a really good thing, and I say thank you Lord for your grace and mercy for Sean and all of us!

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Your writing always stirs my soul to be a better person and walk the walk. 🌈 Thank you for your insight and strong faith. You make a difference to so many of your readers.

Cilla J


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Hugs, Sean.

Your daddy must be mighty proud of the man you have become. And God is smiling. Out of dark grief he brought you into the sunshine of music, art, and lots of love. It's an honor to know you. Keep creating. Keep loving.

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Amazing how even the seemingly worst and most painful moments of our lives have a silver lining or a gift of sorts and we always see it in hindsight.

Thank you for writing!!

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I just read your book “Will the Circle Be Unbroken?” after seeing you in Bristol, TN. What a life you have lived! And what an inspiration to come through it and be able to say love is the bottom line. It is obvious that your suffering has brought you a deep compassion for others. We are thankful you are in this world and are willing to share your gifts and your heart with us all.

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Very well said Sean.

Grace of God

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You are loved!

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Once again you've expressed yourself exceptionally beautiful on a very sad day. Tears are flowing for your heart-rending words.😥💚

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