I read every word of today’s story…I promise. But I came away thinking only “what in the world is Possum Pie, and surely it cannot be made from possums!!”

So I did what any other Union Yankee baker would do, and looked it up!

Not only was I relieved to know that it contained 4 layers…shortbread crust, cream cheese filling, chocolate pudding, and whipped cream…but more importantly, NO POSSUM!!

Here is another thing I learned…Possum Pie is named for its deceptive appearance, which is similar to the way possums play dead to trick enemies. The pie's thick whipped cream topping hides the layers of ingredients beneath, which are only revealed once the pie is cut into.

Now if I can just find the recipe…👩‍🍳

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A possum ran through the front door and to the beck of the store. I followed it to the meat counter and told the clerk. No problem, he said. "We'll just throw it in the chilli."

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Note to self…make my own chilli…one can’t be too careful!! Thanks for the warning, Matt❗️


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Hi Julie, I have the recipe, and it is VERY delicious!

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You’ve got to share please since Sean. Got us on this mission 🙂🙂.

Sean I would consider you a possum pie.

Layers and layers of so much fun and love

Love to all Pass it on

Please 🙂💕

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Hi Debbie, LOL at your amusing remark about Sean being a possum pie with layers of fun and love! Unsure if I should type out the lengthy but easy recipe here in the comments, but if you want to send me your e-mail address, I'll gladly share the full recipe. Mine is sandihp22@gmail.com

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Thanks, Julie. Now we know "The REST of the story."

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I’m sure you have eaten this chocolate layered dessert…..just a title twist to make it fun!

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I made one too, after hearing about possum pies. We were delightfully surprised how good they are and yes, no Possum!!

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Ah the irony!!! We just moved to the Ozarks from Tennessee LAST WEEK! This IS God’s country! Honey, it’s like going back in time-betcha Gunsmoke AND HeeHaw still play on Saturday nights around here! I love it!

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Can’t wait to visit there!

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We are originally from Alabama but moved to Arkansas after living in TN for 40 years. We are so happy to be here!

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I love the south! Ga., Alabama, Arkansas…….it wraps around you lovingly!

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Love the south too! ♥️

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Don’t forget about the “land mass” between Alabama and Louisiana/Arkansas! IYKYK

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Raised in far south Arkansas...I'm 75...no one took credit cards there and then. Later, my folks lived among the logging roads. I joking claim that they lived so far out in the country...the had to pipe in daylight.

Watch out for deer and wild hogs.

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And you thought Arkansas VDOT was responsible for the roads being clear of roadkill!

Just kidding, from an old gal who grew up eating squirrel, rabbit, deer, dove, grouse, well, you get the idea.

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I am deeply saddened I couldn't come see you in mountain home this week due to a slue of technical troubles ranging from dishwashers to station wagons but it warmed me to hear your observations of the shining little jewel of the south of the south that is my home, the Arkansan Ozarks ❤️

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May have been Mountain Home where I saw my first genuine "Hillbilly" around 60 years ago.

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Now that’s one of the best so far!

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Bet the pie was worth every penny.

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I’ll let you know👩‍🍳

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Love it! Each and every country has various personalities, depending on the area. How wonderful to experience this first hand.

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We’ve got grandkids duty this weekend and I really needed a good laugh! Nailed it. 😂

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While you are there check out "Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art" in Bentonville, Arkansas and if you are feeling lucky go check out the only public diamond field in north America. I would say check out the Razorbacks, but they are in Auburn this Saturday.

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I passed thru Arkansa on a Greyhound bus at night- another story for another time. We got off to grab a bite and pee- it was a scary place is all I remember- couldn’t wait to get back on & get out of there! Loved your story- you have never met a stranger- I think u bring joy everywhere you go! Keep on keeping on!❤️

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Sean, we are so glad you made it to summer's aroun' (somewhere around) Conway, the foothills of the Ozarks. Both of my parents were born and "reared" in northeast Arkansas, so I am a full-blood, Scot-Irish hillbilly. Conway is not small anymore, but we do have a festival embarrassingly called "Toad Suck Daze." Maybe sometime I'll explain that, but it's probably not what'cher thinking. For those who don't know, Arkansas is pronounced "Ar'-kan-saw', not Ar-Kansas. Actually, we say "Arkinsaw" but it don't make no never mind, except in Kansas they have a city called Ar-Kansas City. Now if that don't beat all. Maybe y'all can come back sometime and see some of our small towns. We have communities called, "Back Gate, Oil Trough, Republican, Turkey Scratch, Birdeye, Delight (where Glen Campbell was from), Ink, Fifty-Six, Greasy Corner, and Hogeye. Possum Grape is just up the road from Conway. Unfortunately, possums are not too agile at crossing highways fast enough, so watch for "Possum Crossing" signs. Thank goodness, though, Julie RN is right about the possum pie.

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Thanks Vivi for sharing..

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Thanks SeanD for sharing! Called back pleasant memory of Conway! The old cavern' ozarks mountain's visit in 1976. The risky water skiing 🎿 at nearby lake! An awesome Conway host family ( Mark, Renee,..), but no possum pie!

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Use cash as much as possible before it is taken away. It is the only way the govt can’t keep track of what we are buying and where we are going…except you have to turn your phone off too. And there are starting to be more and more places that don’t take cash and I refuse to go to those places.🤷🏼‍♀️

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So, Sean, didja try the pie?

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I’m betting YES!!!!

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