Aug 6·edited Aug 7

Your ribs will heal in time. The young man’s impediment will follow him a lifetime, barring a miracle.

And yet he prays for someone he just met briefly. Someone with a minor injury not a condition. Someone he may never see again. And he dares to pray aloud.

Impediment or not, I do believe he just preached his first sermon.

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That wasn’t his first sermon. I bet that young man has prayed for lots of people. God bless him that he is willing to do this.

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My wife went to our local grocery store to get two avocados. She wanted them ripe because she needed to use them for a dish she was making. The young man in the produce department was really nice but you could tell he had a physical handicap. He asked if he could help. She told him she needed two ripe avocados he smiled and say he would be right back. He was gone for quite some time when he came from the back with two ripe avocados. She thanked him and she continued to shop but came back around to tell his supervisor how she appreciated the young man. He told her he was like that. He went through a whole case to find two ripe avocados, but most people won't wait then when he comes out with whatever produce he went to find no one is there but he said you waited.

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We must return kindness with kindness!

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I think God gives you these very special interactions with people so you can share them with your readers and bring glory to him and his goodness.

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Glory and goodness….so true! 🙏

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Yes. Psalm 139.4 "Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely." I may read this at a memorial service for a friend whose dementia was so deep she could not recognize her husband who had cared for her for several years through her decline, or her children who loved her dearly. She was not able to speak the last few months. But she was known completely. The earnest words of this young man are known. Oh, that some of his co-workers could make a little effort to understand they would be blessed with seeing him blossom before them.

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That Psalm is perfect for someone with a speech impediment, and also for the family of someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. I find it very comforting, and it reassures me that God does know what is said.

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God makes no mistakes. And we were all placed here for a purpose. 🙌🏻✝️🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Wise words LB.

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More importantly, that kid Understood that Someone; the reason he smiles!🙌💞

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NO FAIR! Made me tear up before supper. (I used to get these before breakfast, but good is good whenever you get it!) What a HUGE blessing - for both of you. (We'll be praying for your ribs as well. I like mine with sauce. ;-) )

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Make my sauce mild and sweet, pretty please!

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I hope the young man reads this. He sounds like a wonderful person. I wish we had millions more just like him. And maybe he wouldn’t mind if he was politely asked to repeat himself so the listener could understand him better? I bet he has lots of beautiful things to say.

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I bet he does, too!

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I agree with you Jui

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God bless this young man for never giving up and smiling his way through life! God bless you for your patience and love for people!

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I'm sorry you bruised your ribs, Sean. A friend of mine, fell and broke five of his ribs. He's in rehab right now before returning home. I pray that my ribs stay well. I've heard (from you and others) that any injury to one's ribs is extremely painful! And, of course, God understands a kid with a speech impediment! And good for the kid, working and smiling and taking care of people even when they can't understand him. With his positive attitude, if lots of people pray for him, perhaps his speech impediment will improve enough that people CAN understand him. Sounds like a good reason for prayer to me!

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Great idea…..praying now

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That is called “God Speak”! God understands every word of it! Amen

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Jesus understands

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God listens to the heart, not the words; even in our deepest groanings and utterances, He hears and understands perfectly. That young man knows this, and trusts God to act upon his petitions. Would that we all had that kind of faith.

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Well said!

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My older two children are mildly handicapped. Some people can understand my daughter but even I can't understand my son most of the time so he just quit talking for the most part. I hurt so bad for him sometimes.

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Prayers for you, Suellen, that God gives you strength to carry on. And that He eases your pain. 🙏Remember that the amount of your pains reflects how much you love that daughter and son. 💕

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Try learning basic American Sign Language. I had 3 brothers under 10 placed with me as foster children who were all deaf but knew “basic” sign language. I contacted the local junior college & took the course. Now, 45 years later I still know & use the simple signs quite often. It isn’t that hard to learn the basic signs.

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There are cases where sincerety and intent trump the hell out of comprehension………..this is one of those instances. May a kind and loving Father richly bless both the bag boy……And you. You got a good heart boy……. don’t let the world beat you down.

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kindness is cheap but so often we all fail to understand we have not given it.

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Sean, you make me cry every time I read your column..........It isn't sad tears, but just touching my heart tears.

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