I’ve been tempted to invest in motion sensor lights for those who have to go during the night, but a toilet that is smarter than I am is a bridge too far. The next thing you know Alexa will be telling you when it’s time to go!

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Well, Apple watches already tell you when it's time to stand, even if you're already standing!!!

I was washing dishes, yes, standing in front of the sink, when my watch told me to stand this evening. DUH!

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Throw that thing away!

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Curiosity got the best of me here. I googled and saw these being sold at Lowes. Further curiosity had me reading reviews. Several were returned because they said they had cracks in them!!! 😂

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Me too, Lori! I wasn’t taking Sean seriously. On GOOGLE, there were 20 resources in Chicago for the Toto Washlet Bidet Toilets…seriously. Funny how my search went directly to Chicago, when I’m downstate?!

Toto, I guess we’re not in Kansas anymore?? Crazy is as crazy does…what next? I don’t think I want to know!!

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Probably made in China.

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My mother has nothing technical or not much in the way of fancy electronics. She has a cell flip phone, not a smart phone, a cell phone. She has a fax, but it is used as a copy machine. She also has an answering machine, so you can see she doesn't have much use or need for technical equipment. That is the way she like it. I don't know what she would think of the AI toilet for that matter I don't know what I will do if I have to use one. Probably run down to the local gas station.

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This is a real boost in our economy. Retail sales, sales taxes, jobs, for plumbers and electricians to install, and repair these. Service contracts, attorney fees for folks getting electrocuted, hospital and medical care, and funeral homes for folks who skipped the directions. CBS, C stands for cash, will have stories for the nightly news. Life will never be the same. Hoards of illegals will be drawn to our country to try this new item.. P.S. I have a flip phone.

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Since you put it that way, it makes sense, but I think I will stay with the old Sears and Roebuck

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I am sooo like your Mother, except I print out a whole lot on my Printer/Fax machine. Including Church Bulletins, etc., from this Laptop!

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Mom doesn’t have a computer of any kind. She will call me to order her an item from the catalogs she still receives.

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She's lucky to have a son like you, Paul.

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When I first moved to Georgia I used to write her letters. She enjoyed the letters because she said I made them sound like stories. I then bought her a fax and I had an e-fax with an 800 number. Now I just call her several times a week. She said she missed the stories, so I started with stories of my brother, that was killed in a roll over crash years ago, when we were kids growing up in the Arkansas delta. Now I send her stories about people and things that happen around me. I started putting them on my substack page every week or so.

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Paul, YOU are a very sweet, dutiful and special son!!! ❤️❤️❤️. I'm sure your mama realizes how lucky she is!

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I hope so. She will be 95 in November I just turned 72

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Older I get, the more the simpler life appeals.

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Paperless might have come in handy during the Covid toilet paper shortage in Utah. My question is…What happens during an electrical outage? Will it even open?

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Good question, Heidi. If it doesn't open, I can hear it now ....."Well, sh..!!


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This must have been the whole reason behind their devious plan. What torture will they put us through next time in order to roll out their “latest invention”!

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I'm sure.😏. Could be they're just trying to make $, cuz they KNOW some people will TRY ANYTHING.

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This “latest invention” was being used in the 18th century! (the first known reference was in 1726 in Italy). The US is actually far behind the rest of the civilized (and some of what WE consider uncivilized!) world in NOT using bidets. They are present in many European and Scandinavian hotel rooms and, in Egypt and Jordan, public bathrooms have them. (You are handed two sheets of TP by an attendant at the door - for drying, one supposes.). Most have hot and cold running water, are not electric, and are separate from the toilet.

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Oh my gosh, Heidi! Your question didn't occur to me but it is so true!! It's bad enough having our own well and septic system when we loose power. . .but no toilet at all is unspeakable!!!

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Good question.

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Well, at least you can try and cheer it up by greeting it with a Good Day Bidet! And a, “don’t put it where the sun don’t shine!”

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What really bothers me is everything breaks nowadays, it's inevitable …I just hope whoever is on that contraption, gets some sort of alert to abort the mission, when it does break …the consequences are frightening!

Geez, another reason for me to become a swamp witch and live in perfect oblivion. Lol

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Yep, many items are made now to break down earlier than they used to be. It's called "planned obsolescence". So you'll spend more money.

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I suppose if you sit just right you might be able to read by the light of the WASHLET. Or, maybe if you show it your reading material it will narrate it for you. I think I might be afraid I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after all of that activity. But, Siri could sing you a lullaby and Alexa could cancel your toilet paper order all without having to scratch your behind.

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I know where this world is headed…

City sewers & country septics.

Enough said!!!

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Pone believe it er not my grandfather had the exact "grandfather" of dis Gizmo back in the late 60s! No Bravo Sierra! All of us had to take a test "ride." Warm water toirlet paper! Only thing was Pone, Fer all Dat cash, whar waz da automatic "FooFoo Spray" dispenser? Oh I fergot, you got "allergies!" Don't let Cheryl Crowe hear about Lifer Steve wid his papar towels and PineSol Fer cleanup on aisle 6! You know she had da 1 sheet per sheet rule! Just don't shake hands wid her! Only yor dry cleaners knows Fer shore wid dem 80 mph skid marks!

Yor Amigo,

Pubert Earle

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You may just have to "grin and bidet it".

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Sean, my friend, you and Jamie simply must come into the 21st century. Embrace the AI toilet. The nether-eye blow dryer sounds delightful! And there's no need for stumbling in darkness when one does one's business after the lights have been doused for the evening. What more could one ask for? Come into the light, my friend. Come into the light.

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Sean, your writing has reached a news level. You obviously can find a story anywhere.

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....or new lows? ....since we're talkin about..... down there...😏😉

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Now, how many of us do you suppose are now on our way to that website? I just gotta look...

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Not that anyone cares but I take so many "supplements", laxatives, etc. it's not uncommon for me to use half a roll. How many "goes" will it take for this new John to pay for itself?

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Sounds like a story problem in 4th grade math!

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Funny, Julie RN!

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Hey, lifer Steve, it's not that we don't care, but maybe just a little TMI?? Just kidding, Steve, it's too late....this whole deal is already in the CRAPPER. 😂😂😂😂😂WHAT A HOOT!!

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Ha! We had these everywhere we stayed when traveling in Japan a couple of months ago. I particularly liked the heated seat! Be careful when pushing the buttons, though, especially in the dark. I don't think the bidet feature is automatic. ;)

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Another way to use more electricity/ rescourses instead of less and keep us "plugged" in ...

My car announces things like: "motor is running" shortly after I turned it on or "door is open", shortly after I opened it, or "turn on the lights" in broad daylight...

All created by people who have spend too much time behind screens and machines..

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