Thank you for your beautiful essays.

You are so appreciated.

From a 92 year old retired teacher who has never found an error in you work!

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It's hard to be cranky and disagreeable when you are eating ice cream...

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I have never stopped eating real ice cream, with the highest fat content I can find, and real butter. You are 100% right.

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We all need to do the ONLY thing Jesus commands: Love one another. Secondarily, if we ate more real, full-cream, full-sugar ice cream. Loving each other would be so much easier

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Amen! Ice cream is one of life’s simple pleasures. As is treating our fellow man with kindness.

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I agree! We cannot change anyone’s mind about politics and it just causes people to no longer be friends.

We need to be civil to each other. And, eat more ice cream! I have been making my own ice cream and it is so good.

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Politically my friends and family are on different ends of the spectrum but when we are together, we do not talk politics. We never get around to it. We all are fans of different University's in the SEC so that will take up most of our time. The rest of the discussion is how to make the pies or cakes on the table and what is in the rib rub.

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That’s what my friends and I do

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I remember what Ronald Reagan said when his opponent said he was old. I would never mention his youth and inexperience.

Religion and politics will affect us profoundly in this life and the next. Young people wound do well to ask us questions and think about the answers. We tell the truth because we love them. They listen to CBS. C stands for cash and the BS stands for........

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Recipe! Please and thank you!

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This is for my freezer bowl attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer. Very easy recipe:

2 cups heavy whipping cream

2 cups whole milk

1 cup sugar

Dash salt

2 tablespoon vanilla extract

Mix on low in the frozen bowl attachment for about 20-30 minutes. I have added finely chopped fresh peaches at this time and blend some more. Take this up and put it in your freezer to finish getting harder. It is so good and no eggs are needed.

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Sounds yummy Tawanah!!

Might add some peaches 🍑!!

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Where’s the butter? Whipping cream isn’t rich enough! 😉

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One idea they had is to add cream cheese to help thicken it. I guess it would have a cheesecake flavor.

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Maybe add a few chopped pecons???

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Gotta write this down!

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I found it by googling ice cream without eggs.

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Sounds yummy, Tawanah!! Thank you for sharing your recipe!!

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OMG! I too was bribed into a tonsillectomy by the promise of ice cream! Needless to say, after the surgery I remember my throat hurt so much that I didn’t want even a spoonful. Thank you Sean, kale smoothie’s are a real gag-athon…which results in intestinal distress…a very real pain in the…aspartame. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻💗

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Me too, 1957!

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Me, too, in 1956.

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Me too!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I just love how you start out with a story connecting to another story, then lead us right into your point about how people—especially a cranky, verbally abusive female— need to more cool sweetness in their lives so they can send more cool sweetness out into the world around them. Sir, you are a skilled and gifted writer. Blessings.

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Some folks feel the need to spew bitterness. So sorry that you were on the receiving end of the unnecessary, undeserved tongue lashing, Sean. Once again you use your gift to bring joy, laughter and encouragement. What America needs now is more like you and plenty of ice cream. God bless you and may we be united, decent and kind.

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I remember my tonsillectomy. It wasn't ice cream that was used to trick me into the surgery. But I could have all the ice I wanted afterwards. We gave up soft drinks, for the most part, a bunch of years ago. We don't have ice cream all that often. But when we do, we go for the real thing - made with cream and sugar. Makes me want to indulge in a few spoonfuls with some homemade chocolate icing on top. I don't think we even have aspartame in the house or hiding in a cabinet. And, may the woman with the sour attitude find it sweetened by the taste of some real vanilla homemade. Might just make her whole day better along with whomever she might choose to write to next.

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I quit smoking and I rarely drink alcohol. I have had a tonsillectomy also, both knees replaced, C4-7 cartilage removed then replaced with bone and a plate, along with other assorted stabs, shots. I will eat my wife's biscuits with butter, eat my oatmeal with butter and whole milk. I do my best not to overindulge but I think I have earned the Ice Cream with cream and sugar. I will step down from the soap box.

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Stay right on top of that soapbox & keep talking to the masses. I firmly believe there comes a time when you reach a certain age that a person has earned the right to say what they want, do what they want, & eat what they want regardless of what others say.

I remember my father when he was fighting Pulmonary Fibrosis, type II Diabetes, Dementia, Neuropathy, & Septicemia he wanted a chocolate nut sundae & promised he would drink Diet Coke with it to cut down on “all that sugar”. I said sure thing dad, let me get that for you. After 81 years of behaving he deserved to eat what he wanted.

Our “golden” years can often time be so difficult

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Jan. Surely, it dosn hurt once in lifetime!

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I agree with so much going on in this world we should treat each other with kindness because you just never know what someone might be going through and treating someone with kindness really goes a long way and maybe treating someone to ice cream what a great way to go and thank you my dear friend for another great story and keep enjoying your ice cream 🍨

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Hilarious and so true. I had a pain in my aspartame before reading your column today but I’m fine now and feel like a bowl of homemade ice cream.

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This is a great strategy. When someone is mean, offer ice cream. It may soften a hardened heart. Thank you.🍦

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If you ask me, I say Kiss My Grits and Kiss My Aspartame, too! Put some real sugar on my Southern Grits!!

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...or country ham gravy!

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I agree completely. My wife used to get upset when she would send me to the store, and I would come back with whole milk, white bread, butter and ice cream. Everything that is bad for you. I also put sugar in my coffee and cream (I have cut down to half and half. In case you're wondering my numbers, A1C and all those other blood tests are pretty good. I am not perfect but let us see how everyone is doing when you get 72. My mother doesn't count. She is 94 and doing great or according to her she is, and I don't argue with my mother. The downside, I guess, is I am on blood thinners, so a kale smoothie is off my menu, thank goodness.

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Oh thank God. I thought u were going to get political and I almost decided against reading it. But u are correct about the ice cream too. I have a child we’re trying to help grow and I just got back from the store where I had to put back 2 cartons of mint chocolate chip bc they were 1/2 the fat. A growing boy needs all the fat.

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