I came down with a virus a while back. It was a strange thing. Ended up going to the hospital. The virus set off some pericarditis, an infection of the membrane around my heart. Turns out that could be taken care of easily enough with some medication. But while checking it out the doc discovered a blockage that needed tending to. Without it, he said, I would've eventually wound up with a bad heart attack. I think I stumbled onto some providential care by catching that virus. Some things that seem to be bad at the time can turn out not to be so bad. Sometimes the opposite is true. I think I experienced some of the goodness of that providential safety net. And I'm sure thankful.

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I'll agree, Lander. My mom had the providence of having a dog pull her down and hit her head. She went to the hospital and they discovered a brain tumor, which blessedly was benign, but still required surgery. It definitely was Providence. She lived to 94.

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So true! Providence!.

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Romans 8:28 - “All things work together for good…” There’s more. But you get it.

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I believe that God used the virus in a positive way! I’m so glad the concern was found and blockage taken care of so that you didn’t have a heart attack! Blessings!

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I’m sure thankful too, Lander!

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I sure am glad you got to experience “some of that providence”

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Lander, you were a lucky one, that's for sure! My mom's dad, would have been my grandpa, got pericarditis after dragging a deer out of the woods in a terribly cold winter.in Michigan back when. That was back before they had penicillin that might have saved him. My mom was only 16 when he died. I guess Providence can suck, too.

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I'm not sure I would call what happened to your grandpa providence, although some folks might interpret it that way. It's not necessarily destiny or fate. When I think of providential care, it's more akin to the grace notes that may be given to us that inexplicably provide (as in providence) for us in ways that become something extra. And we may not even know it or recognize it at the time. There are so many terrible things that have happened and still do. If providence is involved, I think of it not as what brought it about, but as what has helped us get through it. I hope your family experienced some of that along the way.

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People are going to read it wherever and however they want to. Lol

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Of course.

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My mom blocked her dad's funeral; she doesn't remember it at all.

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What a sad story. Susie.

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So true

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Yup, it is. The big great net is there. We never fall lower than God’s hand.

Praise God for Providence.

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Oh……I like this! “God’s hand” 🤗

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He's got the whole world in His hand.

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My 4 year old grandson recently learned this song at school and sang it all week…..oh my!!! Did his dear voice and message pull my heartstrings!!!

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That’s awesome he learned it at school 🙏🏼

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A wonderful Christian school in our community….

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I would suggest that the definition of Providence is the existence of God, our creator. And yes, I agree on all the miracles, some tiny, as you say, Sean, and some much bigger. It was Providence that put you and Jamie together. Providence put you and Becca together, and Marigold is thankful for the providence that had you adopt her. It's providence that leads you in your storytelling in your daily messages. I don't remember hearing the term on a regular basis, but I think all that you described fit the word. Let's bring it back into use!

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Thanks, Mam. I still believe in God's providence and don't mind using the word sometimes. It's certainly been a big word in my life. 'Course, I'm old like the folks in Sean's childhood and still use words like "Howdy" and "fishin' pole." Now, where did I put that darn Metamucil?

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Maybe if we use the word Providence more often, it will bring people back to the world they grew up in, and bring more people in, who don't really understand the meaning of the word, but think it sounds "cool," or something. And maybe it will bring more people back to God or their Creator, whatever they want to call him or her. Mother Nature, of course, is idolized by many. And, of course, God is the creator of all that encompasses Mother Nature. I think prayer may be called for!

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I grew up the same way. Rural central Florida. Must be a Florida thing. Providence finally got it's long due validation with your words, Sean.

I live in Missouri now. My mom had polio as a teen and has been in a power chair for the last 21 years. She moved to Missouri from Florida to be close to my family 21 years ago. My dad moved in with my family from Florida when covid locked him out of bridge clubs and playing the organ at his church 4 years ago. He's been on hospice in my home for the last year. Today my mom began hospice in her home. I've been caring for them both because I promised them both I'd care for them all their days. Providence describes what happens in life and it also describes how we get through what happens in life. It's a great word. Also, God.

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Beth, May you and yours be comforted and strengthened by the loving hands of God.

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Beth, I just said a prayer for your parents (and you). That must have been rough on your dad to give up the church organ. God has us all in His loving hands.

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I know exactly how you felt when these miracles happened to you.

I went through a time when God touched me and suggested I do something that led to an awakening in my life, another time that saved my life, calmed to a point that I was able to handle a very hard time in my life with peace and now continues to lead me each day. I am blessed and try to share with others. And I know I am not alone.

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I like to call those "coincidences" "God-winks". I'm with you Sean, when my wife died God "providenced" that net. I'm glad he did for you too when times got tough...

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I have been wondering about good, bad or no luck at all. Now I understand, it is Providence.

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Sean, You are on target. You have to use an old dictionary to find the definition of providence because modern culture has changed the meaning of words. Here we go. Fear Not! We have providence. The foreseeing care and guardianship of God over His creatures.

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I call that God’s Grace, unmerited favor through faith.💞💗💞🙌

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Providence….Gods will.

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Yes, Providence! I am going to testify to Providence and a Miracle now- here on this site where anyone can read it. I want people to read this and know that I am blessed, undeservedly so, but blessed and provided with a reprieve from probable death. It was early June of this year. Everything was going well, we were going to move closer to my daughter because my husband's health is failing, I am going to need help. And my daughter and her family would be a a mile and a half away. My doctor wanted for me to have a calcium scoring (Quick CT) for my heart- just because he wanted to cover all bases. I certainly didn't think I needed this test, but I appreciated his thoroughness. And my brother had a pretty bad test recently. My heart was great! But there was a nodule on my lung. At first everyone said, You never smoked- this is probably nothing! But I had a regular CT scan to rule out anything. It came back that it was inconclusive. Next step- a PET scan. For those of you who don't know, a PET scan will "light up" if something is cancer. I knew by the look on the technician's face that it lit up. I was shattered. I've had other health problems because I am older, but nothing like this. I was terrified. I prayed so hard, and I called on every friend and relative I had to pray for me. I was always thankful that this was found early, even when I was furious and worried. I just wanted to be healthy and move on with my life and plans. I had no symptoms at all, no cough, no pain, no shortness of breath, nothing. By the time you have symptoms of lung cancer, it is usually a late stage. Next came a biopsy. No fun at all, and my lung partially collapsed after the surgery. An MRI is required before surgery for lung cancer because lung cancer spreads to the brain, so I had an MRI of my head. No sign of cancer. By this time it is close to the end of July and my surgery with a thoracic surgeon is scheduled. A Robotic surgery. I had it, I had clear margins where the tumor was removed and all 12 lymph nodes were negative. No chemo needed. God blessed me with a miracle. I had some complications after surgery, but nothing major- just a longer hospital stay. Every day- every single day I know I dodged a bullet thanks to a Miracle. I don't understand, because I am not deserving, but I was spared and I was given a blessing of love and a Miracle. May you be blessed with miracles and the peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank God for this site from Sean.

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Ya know, Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister. But in all his Neighborhood shows, he never once mentioned God. He was able to express his truths without being preachy. I think Fred would like this article. Well done, Sean!

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Would that more people were like him.

Walking the walk.

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Thank you Sean for the reminder of Providence! Your column was just what I needed to read this morning. Our world needs to start believing in Providence again and living as if it is real, because it is. I think we should all start using the word Providence every day, at least once. And sometimes we can add a word to it.... Divine Providence. God Bless you Sean, please keep sharing your gift of Divine Providence, the world needs to hear you.

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Providence when you’re young means something good happened. Usually something we’d been wanting. Or it’s a stepping stone to the thing we wanted.

After you lived a while you realize it’s all providence. What we didn’t want has shaped us for the better too. We arrive at old age being the person we should have been all along.

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I love it. Testimony Time. We once, long ago, gave testimonies in meetings and kingdom membership grew. Can't put a lid on it. Preach it Sean! Can revival be far behind.

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